21 | Jedi Are Bad

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How did she know it was me, I thought.  Darth Cayka can't tell the troopers apart, or at least that's what I thought.

I walked up to slowly stepped up to her. "I knew you wouldn't leave for to long, you know the Jedi are bad," she said looking down on me.

" yes the Jedi are nasty creatures," I replied trying to make her think that's actually what I thought. I kneeled down I front of her so she wouldn't expect anything. I put my head down and waited for her to tell me to rise. I heard a lightsaber ignite. I looked up and saw Deth Cayla charging at me. I stood up and stepped to the side? She ran right passed me.

"Now!" I shouted in no particular direction. Darth Cayka liked at me confused.

"Why are y...," she started to say, she got interrupted by the loud bang of the doors flying open. Rea, Leila, Ben, Han, Chewie, and Alina barged in.

"You called," Han said laughing. I laughed and slid my helmet off. Alina, Leila, and Ben engaged their lightsabers. They all charges at Darth Cayla. But she reacted quickly she threw Alina up against the wall and force choked her with one hand, and with the other she flung Ben and Leila to the side. She dropped Alina and she laid their gasping for air. Ben jumped up and ignited his lightsaber once more.

"Ah, Kylo Ren," she said taunting him. "You think you can just got the light side and get away with it. Well you can't!" She said ignoring her lightsaber and charging at him.

They my in the center of the room clashed lightsaber. Darth Caula flew to the side. I like left and saw Alina standing there with her arm extended. She dropped Darth Cayla and ignited her lightsaber. Darth Cayla ran up to her. Alina didn't react fast enough and Darth Cayla easily chopped off  her hand. Alina fell to the ground, she just laid there liked dead.

"Alina!" I shouted as I fan over to her.

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