51 | I Guess

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"Leila!" I shouted running out of the room. "Leila where are you?!" I said turning the corner. I saw Leila standing there.

"Leila!," I shouted tuning up to her.

"Where were you?" She asked.

"Oh?" I said blushing. "I shot Kylo," I said.

"That's good. I guess," she said with a pause.

"What do you mean I guess?" I asked.

"Well, he used to be our friend. Wait, you didn't kill him did you?" She asked.

"No, I didn't kill anyone," I replied. "I did see Rea though." 

"What?!" Leila said. "Why did you tell me earlier. I could've talked to her," she said.

She started walking off. "where are you going?" I shouted after her.

"To find Rea!" She shouted back.

I had nothing else to do but follow her and that's exactly what I did. I hated when she was mad at me, I knew I had to make things right. It was my fault that she wasn't able to see her best friend again. 

Leila turned a corner into a room. I stopped in front of the shut door and listened.

"Rea," I heard Leila whisper. "Rea," she repeated. "Rea, are you in here?"

I stepped into the room and Leila jumped turning around. "Oh, it's just you," she said relieved.

A light turned on in the back corner. Someone was hiding in the shadows. "You're not alone," the stranger said.

Leila turned around looking directly at the light.

"Rea," she whispered stepping towards the light. "Rea, please come back," she said again. "Rea?" I wanted to pull Leila back, she was getting dangerously close to the shadow. I didn't want her to get hurt. 

The figure stood till not saying a word. Finally he spoke up.
"Don't come any closer," the person said holding their hand out. Leila stopped in her tracks staring at the dark figure.

"Rea?" Leila whispered.

"It's not Rea anymore," The shadow said.

"Then what is it?" Leila said now raising her voice.

There was silence.

"Rea please come back. I beg you," Leila said. "I need you," she said. "Please."

"No," the person whispered.

"What?" Leila said taking a step forwards.

"I said, No!" The person flipped their hood off and engaged their lightsaber. Rea charged at Leila.

"Leila!" I shouted reaching out to stop her. But it was too late.

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