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Each chapter will have an image above to represent a character and or a scene specifically for the chapter!

Characters above are T'ara's parents, Jamie and Anya Rhysling!

Disclaimer: This story contains sensitive matters of assault, heavy violence, and sexual abuse.

It is well worth the journey into T'ara's story as she becomes a fearless hero of her time!

Enjoy! And please leave a comment and spread the word that "Blood Will Be Spilled."

For the readers who have known this story for years; I rewrote this for you all and would love all your thoughts as I move to turn this into published work someday soon!

The core of the story is the same. I've only added to, edited a lot, and given more of a creative tale to T'ara's journey. I did change up the spelling of her name and sharpened her personality and the lives around her.

I truly hope you all enjoy and read this book as if reading it for the first time. I know many of you are new and welcome! You can find me on Amazon as well, where I have many already published works!!

Follow me on Facebook: Domina.A-Author




         Soundless, T'ara lay, thinking of the hunt promised in the rise of early dawn. The winter night could not soothe her to sleep, a sharp breeze of cold air forcing her to pull the wool blanket up to her chin. T'ara rubbed her fingertips together and imagined the feel of the hunting bow her father had given her, mere hours ago. She'd turned fifteen today and the Goddess had rewarded her for the practice she'd done to prepare for her bow.

            The night was soft and quiet, with no howls of wolves nearby to keep her alert for the chickens in the coop.

T'ara often slept with partially opened curtains to keep her exposed to the world. She loved the way nature had a succulent sweet fragrance and the feel of sandy loams when digging her fingers into the soil. The vegetation from this world pervades our home, trees, and brushes masking our presence from others.

          T'ara gazed out of the window, the moon, the only light in the world. It stared down, watching her from the dark sky. T'ara could hear her mother faintly singing in her room across the narrow passage. It was her alchemy room, herbs draped around the room with cauldrons for mixing and burning herbs and other things in.

T'ara wiggled her toes back and forth to the rhythm of her mother's softly melodic whisper of words. It was an Elvish song she'd taught T'ara since the beginning time of memories. Her mother always sang it when T'ara couldn't sleep. Her mother always knew when to sing it as it was the antidote to her restlessness. Soothed and preserved to shut their eyes, T'ara drifted into her dreams.


The fire crackled from a distance like a bonfire, a coldness never felt before coursing down my flesh. Goosebumps arose and T'ara opened her eyes. The smell of wood burning, brought upon deeper concern as cold seemed unreal and overpowering.

Swiftly, she moved to the window, sticking her head out as if expecting to see snow. T'ara's hands rested on the inner floor wall of the window, leaning out a bit further as she heard dull drumming sounds and a neigh of at least a dozen horses. Dark moving clouds formed with the sudden promise of freezing rain.

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