Chapter Seventeen

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   The crowd were in an uproar, disinterested in seeing T'ara appear. Seemed they favored whoever she would faced.

   T'ara watched as the iron door lifted up over her head. She turned and found all the hyenas watching her, most believing she'd die by the look of humor and disdain on their faces.

"Go!" One of the guards who was standing at the entrance of door snapped, pointing his sword toward the arena.

T'ara walked through, the cold air cutting through her skin as she smelled the odor of decaying blood. Her feet scuffed against the hard sandy ground, looking down to see spots where blood had been spilled.

She ignored the screams and shouts of anger and hatred as the spectators called for her death even before she was to fight. She ignored it all, seeking a calm face to help ground her thoughts that were scattered. Livei was gone so there was no point in looking for her.

She spun in a circle, searching for where she knew Saerena would be. As expected, she found Saerena sitting beside her father on the balcony at the top half of the colosseum. Across from Saerena, sat King Virion; and several other men and women.

   Lord Thad stood and the crowd silenced, waiting for him to speak. The clouds covered the sun's needed presence and T'ara frowned looking back to Saerena, who was watching with panic in her eyes.

   "I have raised this beast and watched as it grew into the hybrid before you." His assertive tone brought out a snide in T'ara, gripping her sword tighter and wishing he was the one she face now. "May she prove this day...that she was worth my time. And all of yours. I present to you all, the Mongrel." He looked down at T'ara, their eyes locked on another. He sat and the crowd shouted displeasure of T'ara's existence.

   A man stood up beside him, unfamiliar to her as he spoke. "We have seen much blood spill this day. But it is far from ending." He gave pause as the crowd screamed in appraisal. "Now we bring out a man...whom...even I inspire to be."

   The crowd went wild again. They were compelled by this entire thirst for death.

   "Our one and only loved High Elf, Craigerous."

   The crowd screamed louder than ever, shoving and punching each other in a ray of bliss.

   The black iron gates on opposite ends began to open. A man, with white hair and a tall slender frame stepped through the gates. His upward, leaf shaped ears stood out from his hair being pulled back and tied. He carried two short swords, spinning it around skillfully to begin his taunting.

   He was a foot taller, eyes baring her. "This should be quick." He hissed at her, continuing his taunt.

   Standing tall and straight, Craigerous folded one arm in, holding short sword over chest. Other arm bent at his backside, sword pressed to spine.

   The crowd went quiet as if waiting for permission to cheer again. When the man from the balcony took seat, the crowd went wild again and the drums began to play.

   T'ara frowned, shifting eyes to Craigerous just as she barely saw him come at her with his short sword. He slashed down fast, cutting through air with his right hand. She'd barely dodged his attack, the fight only beginning seconds ago.

In unrecognized speed, Craigerous moved faster than even her, as if he worked on speed alone during his training. The short sword in his left hand aimed for her head but T'ara ducked under in time.

She gasped as Craigerous kicked forward, foot connecting to her chest. T'ara took the blow well, though heavy, and rolled backward's like she done many times during training. She rolled right onto her feet and lifted her shield above her head just as Craigerous came down fast with both of his short blades. His sword plunged through the shield and sliced into her shoulder and T'ara snarled, being given a cheap shield, and took the moment to slice sideways at his lower leg, lunging into another crouched posture as she tried to cut at his legs twice.

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