Chapter Thirty-One

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She fought every ounce of self-control not to yank the cuff from her neck and toss it at him and accept whatever fight that would arise.. It wasn't about humiliation. That would require her caring what they all thought. During the tournament, a confidence had be spelled her into believing she could be free one day. Despite what many thought, they'd also respected her ability to fight and conquer any in her way. And to be dragged now, reverted back to the person who'd been beaten every day, assaulted, and treated less than the human slaves, could erase all progress made.

They'd been traveling for a period that her mouth was dry from thirst, the muscles in her body tightened and exerted. It wasn't quite sunny, many gray clouds filling the sky, signs of potential rain by end of day. They were outside of Tegorus far west with the coast a half days horse-ride from here.

They were on an open road and by the light breeze she sensed there was a body of water nearby. Her enhanced hearing could make out footsteps running away from Lord Thad and his men. Probably scouts, keeping watch so that they could have no surprised visitors.

T'ara ran alongside Lord Thad's horse. repositioning the silver cuffs as she thought of a way of breaking it. She didn't want to seem as if his form of punishment was child's play to her hybrid, pretending to be ready to drop the instant they stopped. She'd worked hard and wanted to surprise him with her abilities when it mattered.

Saerena came to mind, knowing the next time T'ara saw her, there would be a change in their interaction. There was honesty from Saerena's reasons for ending their undefined relationship and T'ara couldn't expect her to wait for her mind to be made up. T'ara should have moved on but instead she'd spent her years dwelling for a woman who was not destined for her. There was anger in Saerena keeping her in the dark and leaving without warning but if the recent days taught T'ara anything, life was too short to be mad and bitter.

There was a fast end to the horses movement. T'ara stopped, not exhausted from the long path she had to partake. There was a large field of land, stretched beyond distance with a pond that wrapped around as a barrier from the woods further ahead. A wheat field resided near the water, greenery covering most of the ambience. It was not often to see such pure life; clean from death and darkness.

There was a path that split in the middle. Firm sandy surface, that marked the previous passage of horses and carriages.

"Let us see the Priest." Lord Thad pointed to his men to scatter and search the fields. There were small individual homes the sidled the pond, along with a wood working shed, herb shop, and another wide structure that gave no clear evidence of its purpose.

Lord Thad yanked her chain. T'ara snarled, trying to keep her control and not yank it back. He signaled his horse to trot ahead and she walked speedily, ignoring the pain from the silver cuff.

In front of the unidentified structure made of stone, was a large wooden stake that reached ten feet high and two feet wide. In the center was a U-shaped wooden piece. T'ara took a few steps forward once Lord Thad stopped several feet from the wooden structure. It looked like a rune familiar to her as a child. She wondered if it was elven.

"Hm." Lord Thad grunted, displeased by the sight. He dismounted, holding the chain that tamed me close to his side, and walked up to the wooden stake design that looked more like a statue close up. Lord Thad glanced beyond the statue to the stone structure two windows facing them that was shielded by glass.

"How can peasants afford fine and expensive things?" One of Lord Thad's Knights turned to him for an response. The structure was higher than normal.

"We will find out soon enough." Lord Thad.

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