Chapter Eight

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The image above is Forqo

I have been having fun reviving this story with a newer version! Show your love and let me know you guys are reading by liking the chapter. The more likes the faster I post the next chapters!!!


Weeks passed and the absence of T'ara's warmth began to weigh heavy on Saerena's mind. The announcement of her betrothal to Lord Joro spilled through the region. Staring long at herself in the mirror, Saerena wondered how cowardice she seemed to T'ara to give into marrying him. The mere thought of his touch recoiled her soul and body. She was not loss yet and she had time to find a way out.

There was a knock at door, one of her maidens moving to answer it. Saerena's mind was too cluttered with dismay over her future to care and see who was here.

"Lady Saerena. It is Melana." The maiden stood to the side, allowing the woman to enter.

Saerena stood, relieved to see a friendly face and rushed to the door at the mention of her name. A woman stood, statuesque and graceful, with roses embroidered along her long silky gown. Saerena spun her around, embracing her with such relief to see her as beautiful as ever. "I have missed you."

Melana stood graceful and unruffled by the fast embrace. Her green eyes took in Saerena's presence, and kissed her cheek. "You look lovely than ever." Melana wavy black hair bounced around her face, light brown skin smooth and unmarked. Melana had many suitors wanting her hand in marriage after her husband died in a terrible accident three winters ago. Melana was of mixed race, her mother was a morgen la fey from the germanic sea border; beings that were water fae's and quite frightening.

But her father was human and managed to live long enough to bed her mother before drowning. Melana could see the unhappiness in her friend's eyes and guided her to sit and share.

"I wish I was as strong as you. Then I wouldn't be forced to marry a man like Joro." Saerena scowled.

Melana snorted. "Men find me irresistible, but it's mostly because of my genetics. At the same time, they fear me, afraid I'd drown them in the sea and take all their riches."

Saerena gaze her a sly look and waved for her maidens to leave. Once they were alone, Saerena smiled and offered water to her friend. Melana declined. "Isn't that how your husband died?"

There was a look that passed between them and without speaking, Melana shrugged. "Morgan's have quite a reputation but my mother loved living on the land just as much in the water. She created a space for me to do the same. At first, I thought I had to do the marrying thing, and I did. But he was an unfaithful man. Never he unfaithful to a morgen. He knew better."

Her strong reputation kept her safe from forceful men but she was also helpful to the King to trick men into revealing secrets as most morgens never interact with the land people, except when the intend to lure the to their deaths.

"My mind has gone mad not having a friendly face to see these pass moons." Saerena sat in the chair across from Melana and reached out to squeeze her hand.
Melana had been like a older sister for nearly all her life. No more than five years older, Melana looked as young as Saerena, far too beautiful and exotic to be overlooked.

"What drives you mad?" Melana waved Saerena's sadness off, never one to believe that there was never a way out of trouble. "You marry a Lord with such high standing and he is easy to look at."

By mention of Lord Joro, it was enough to stifle Saerena's mood. She stood and walked to window, looking down out to the open land that looked out east of the manor where T'ara was.

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