Chapter Eighteen

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Kruagus Darkmaw

Kruagus scanned every corner of Kaverian Hall, twirling a cup in his hand. He sat in a corner of the room, along a bench near the exit in case he needed to make a quick exit. He'd snuck a few of his men inside, to be his additional eyes to finding the hyena he's sought out earlier.

"Lord Commander. It is not safe to be present." His second in command, Vulred kept shifting eyes, wry of their enemies, standing near pretending to drink the drink in hand.

Kruagus shrugged and crossed one leg over the other. "Grab hold of balls. I can't leave until we gain something out of being here."

His second and command was always cautious whenever they were surrounded by enemies. He was an elf but a trusted one.

Kruagus continued to lean his body against the wall, watching the people. He laid eyes on Lord Thad and The King sitting beside his wife at the high table, facing everyone, centered and just as watchful.

Kruagus would be foolish to think King Virion did not have multiple eyes on him. There was treaty in place for King Virion not to directly cause harm to him but that did not concern Kruagus. He never relied on his father's love or loyalty to keep him safe and from harm.

Gaining permission to be in King Virion's kingdom was something only allowed because he was a bastard. Behind closed doors, King Virion would see Kruagus killed if time was approximate.

Eyes marked Saerena walking around, being interactive beside her fathers. She was clearly making Lord Thad look more appealing and assisting with some negotiation, as many women of power did.

Kruagus stood and walked toward her. "I did not see you during my fight." Kruagus guttural pitch, did not scare Saerena but it had the two men that stood beside her and Lord Thad who was now glaring at Kruagus disruption.

"Lord Thad," Kruagus smiled. "I do hope that wasn't important. Go...I'll keep your daughter company."

There was a look that exchanged between Lord Thad and his daughter before he walked away.

She turned  suspiciously and curtsied. "I saw too much blood shed for one day."

Kruagus studied Saerena for a few breaths. " were present right before my fight then." Saerena said nothing and he smiled. "I heard the woman won , had lived the past years within your Manor wall. It is unheard of for a hyena to do such a thing."

Again she said nothing, turning away to give greetings to those who past by at a distance.

Saerena's eyes shifted to her right, her father watchful. She smiled as if she enjoyed Kruagus company. He wasn't hard to stand near. His Orc features stood out but so did his elf features. His thick dark eyebrows hovered low watching her for any reaction. His prominent cheekbones were curved into a smirk when he noticed her scrutiny. He was tall and strong boned, with slender waist where he had a dagger hidden within his belt.

Kruagus wore a partial open black tunic with silver laces around the edges of his tunic. His chest was bare and exposed, masculine features warning him looks from even the wives here tonight despite their fear of him. Kruagus turned by the sound of someone walking their way.

"Who stands near my lady?" Lord Joro approached.

"You should be wise to remember that I do not belong to you, Lord Joro." Saerena spoke up with narrowed eyes.

Lord Joro reached for Saerena without no permission trying to isolate her from everyone and a snarl erupted in the Hall.

Every person turned to the sight of a woman standing beside a line of hyenas. Her eyes were wild and directed toward Lord Joro.

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