Chapter Two

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Image above is Livei!


"You are late," the house steward, sneered, his stocky build suffocating the small hall between the kitchen and staircase that would lead to the great hall. "Lord Thad will not be pleased."

"I needed a quick wash," T'ara had changed to a woven thigh length tunic and trousers with same shoes she'd worn earlier. Her loose coiled hair was wet from her wash, she let it air dry as it crinkled freely in place.

"What happened?" He stepped aside as servants carried trays of fruit and walked up the stairs,  T'ara taking a step back on the other end of the stairs to create space.

"It does not matter." T'ara shook her head, walking into the kitchen to find something to do. "I'm sure there's something down here I can do."

"I promise, I'd like nothing more than to keep you hidden down here but Lord Thad personally requested you to serve drinks to his guests." The steward frowned, finding T'ara appearance pitiful and disturbing. "Only reason you are allowed in manor, is due to being a half breed. Lord Thad thinks it wiser to keep you close. More guards watching you."

T'ara said nothing. His words did not wound her heart or pride. There was nothing to wound and no one to harm to fill her with dread. She was used to hearing such harsh words even from human slaves. She'd been called Halfbreed and hybrid too many times to count and yet she did not understand what those words meant for her. She'd known since the day her parents were killed, something over inside but she did not feel its thoughts or know what it looked like. Only that it was starving. Like an ache that only happened deep within bones after too many years of hard labor. It was an ache she'd gotten used to.

He handed T'ara two flagons. One filled with wine, and the other with mead. "Serve and keep mouth shut unless spoken to."

T'ara turned and walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs, to the sound of a bard singing and quiet whispers of appraisal from the guest. The aroma of chicken, potatoes, and freshly baked bread filled T'ara's nostrils, reminded that she hadn't eaten since this morning. She passed through the long hall, on the opposite end of where everyone was, four sets of tall wooden doors shut to keep her hidden for a while longer. It had well lit candles along the walls and decorative carvings that stretched across both sides. There was one other double door that led to the outside, stairs extending down to the front of the manor where Lady Saerena rode into. Lord Thad listed over fifty guests as they celebrated the new control over a region far north.

T'ara heard whispers of small raids and scouting parties returning with vital knowledge that provided Lord Thad and his prime leaders more land. T'ara learned early, the more guests the greater the trouble for their enemies.

Lord Thad wouldn't have requested her unless someone asked to see her. Everyone always wanted to see the hybrid as if it was an exotic animal.

A door creaked cautiously open from the outside as some stepped partially inside. "T'ara," a soft voice whispered to gain her attention.

T'ara turned and frowned disapprovingly, shaking head softly at her friend. She moved swiftly but quietly across the hall, gazing around for any sound of someone approaching from the great hall. "Livei. You must go. Now is not the time to taste limits."

"Fuck them," Livei snickered, sticking her hand through the door. She held a small cup.

"What do you want?"

Livei chuckled. "Is it not clear?" she wiggled the cup at hand. "Pour me fucking drink. You know what I like."

Not surprised to see her friend, T'ara at least hoped Livei could have waited until late, when half the guest was too drunk not to notice too much wine gone. But as always, Livei would not miss the opportunity for wine. Her long thick locks were twisted into two braids, brown eyes widening with hope for mead. She was dark-skinned, which stood out from most the people who lived in Tegorus.

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