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AMELIA COULDN'T sleep. All she could think of was Jason she didn't even know why she was thinking of Jason. They weren't friends so why did she bother? She walked to Archies room and knocked on his door.

"Arch? Can we talk I can't sleep." She opened his door, but instead of finding her brother in his room she found nothing.

"What the- how did he- fine whatever," she walked back to her room. She didn't want to talk to anyone but Archie , so instead she called someone whom she considers a brother. Jughead.

"This is Jughead leave a message and I'll try to get back to you," Jughead's voicemail rang and she groaned.

"Ugh hey it's me call me back I can't sleep and I need to talk to someone." Amelia hung up and shut her eyes. Maybe things will be better in the morning maybe someone will listen to her in the morning.

Amelia walked downstairs her makeup hid her terrible bags under her eyes. She didn't even try to look presentable today she just wore blue jeans, a grey shirt and black boots. Her hair was down she put on her denim jacket as she walked down the stairs.

"I'm leaving!" Amelia yelled her dad shouted back a goodbye. Archie came down the stairs and Amelia grabbed his arm.

"Where were you last night?"

"I was out running I couldn't sleep," Archie said shrugging. What a coincidence.

"Yeah well I wanted to talk to you I couldn't get much sleep either," Amelia crossed her arms. Archie looked at her regretfully.


"Obviously," Amelia said almost breathless. Archie kissed the top of his sisters head and she looked at him confused.

"It's gonna get better, okay?"

"You're acting incredibly soft what have you done with my brother Alien?"

"Go to school I'll see you later," Archie said playfully punching her arm. Amelia smiled and walked out the door.

The walk to school was silent she was alone with her thoughts. It didn't take long before she entered the school alone. She went straight to her locker and began putting her books in.

"Hey you look terrible," Josie said leaning against the locker next to hers.

"Didn't get much sleep I am so freaking tired Jose you have no idea," Amelia said shaking her head.

"Jason?" Josie asked gloomily.

"Of course what else? It's the only thing anyone really cares about right now,"
Amelia said closing her locker and leaning against it.

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