Chapter 7

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We entered the school, and I made sure to stay as far away from Anna as possible. Kenny and I had homeroom together, so we headed that way, making sure to avert our eyes whenever we saw Anna. When we finally reached homeroom, we sat down in our assigned seats. That's when it started getting interesting. As I picked at my black nail polish, the teacher, Mrs. Vanoty, cleared her throat.
"Class. Class! May I please have your attention!" she softly called.
We snapped our heads to the front, all eyes on her. She cleared her throat once more.
"We have a new student with us today!" she exclaimed, turning to the door, "Anna, please come in,"
Much to my horror, Anna-Grace walked through the door. I paled. She looked right at me a waved.
"Hello Ricky!" she said joyfully.
I wanted to die. I wanted to shrivel up and fall on the floor, like an old orange peel. A sudden and threatening voice came from behind me;
"Say hello to your friend,"
I quickly looked behind me. No one was there. I gulped and looked at Anna, who was still smiling at me.
"H-hi," I replied hesitantly.
I heard snickers ripple through the room. Kenny looked at me, beyond disappointed. I felt a sudden urge to defend myself.
"Creep! You creep! You came to my house at 12:40! I'm not your friend!" I screamed at Anna.
A look of pain flickered across her face. Mrs. Vanoty looked at me.
"Ricky, please go to the principle's office," she said, trying to mask her anger.
I stood up and roughly pushed back my chair. Without another word, I walked to the principle's office.
A/N: I honestly wasn't expecting Ricky to burst like that. Yes, I know I wrote it, but my fingers were just flying across the letters. It's like I knew I was typing, but I didn't know what I was typing. Anyway, SPOILER ALERT....never mind, I'll wait until you read it. I have a question though, have any of you creeps had that feeling that I described? Let me know! By the way, I call you creeps because Cr33py6itch is my name. Just clarifying in case any of you were offended.

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