Chapter 22

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Allison's POV

As I skated to Sammy's house, I kept thinking of the fight from last night. I'm mad at Gilinsky but at the same time I'm at Sammy. Oh well.

As soon as I got near his house, I hesitated to actually go and knock. I built up my courage and went ahead and knocked. I patiently waited until someone opened the door..

Gilinsky's POV

In the morning, I headed to Sammy's house to apologize. I have no idea what got into me. It might have been the alcohol or maybe just my feelings, but I know it's still no excuse. I was hella worried about Allison. I didn't know if she got home same or if they boys cached up with her. I've tried calling but to no surprise it sends me straight to voicemail. 

At Sammy's house

"Hey Skate, I'm not here to fight; I'm here to apologize for what happened yesterday." I said walking in.

"He's upstairs, but bro you did left him pretty fucked up."

"I don't know what got into me," I blankly stated. "I'll head up to see if I can talk to him."

" Go ahead you're in your house," Skate said leaving.

Was the fight really bad? Oh my gosh what the fuck did I do?

When I got to Sammy's door, I took a deep breath and knocked.

"Skate, I said that I wanted to be alone..." soon I saw a black eyed Sammy. "What the fuck do you want?"

I put my hands up to surrender. "I come in peace," I stated. "Bro, I'm sorry about last night. I know that I should've not acted like that. I have no idea what got into me."

Sammy moved his hands signalling to keep going, so I did. 

"It was probably the alcohol, or just simply jealousy." I paused. "You know exactly how I feel about her, and they way that you were holding her just made me furious. I wanted to explode! I know she has a boyfriend but I won't stop trying to be with her."

Sammy just gave me a sympathy look. "I'm sorry for the black eye. Bros?"

"You did punch me pretty hard. I get your point of being mad but get it straight. She has a boyfriend whom she's been with for over 3 years. I was drunk and just partying." Sammy paused. "I must admit, Allison is hot and she for sure knows how to move. And I see why you like her. I, myself, actually think that I might be falling for her. I'm willing to fight for her."

"Are you fucking serious Sammy! After everything that I've told you, you randomly say that you are developing feelings for her!" I just felt the range go through me. Breath Gilinsky. "I've had this feelings since Magcon and you come out of no where and say this. This is some BS and you know it Wilkinson."

"First of all you don't get t come to MY house and yell at me. Second of all, if you really liked her backed then, how come you never tried? Was it because she had a boyfriend or was it because of your fuckboy reputation and you tried hooking up with the first girl you saw?"

"You don't get to play the fuckboy card on me Wilkinson because you and I both know that you are worse than me." I felt my jaw clench and fist starting to form.

"Do something Gilinsky" Sammy threaten. "Bet you won't. You know that if you do something its over between you and Allison. After what happen yesterday, she has a bad image of you and beating me up again won't do you any good."

I decided to walk away before I did something stupid that I would regret later on.

"That's what I thought" I heard Sammy yelled from his room.

As soon as I opened the door, there she was. The most beautiful girl I could've laid eyes on.

"What are you doing here and why do you seem so mad?" Ally asked astonished.

"I came to apologize to Sammy but that didn't work out so I decided to leave before doing something stupid." I stepped out of the way so she could pass by. "Ally, I'm really sorry, I know that I shouldn't have acted like that but I was jealous... I wanted that to be me dancing with you like that. I'm really sorry. I hope that you can forgive me soon. I'll see you Later."
And just like that I walked away.


I couldn't believe that Jack actually came to apologize though I wonder why he seemed so mad.

I walk in and head to Sammy's room. As soon I as I knocked, I kinda regretted.

"Gilinsky I told you that I don't want to hear your apologies because I'm still going to..."

"To what Sammy?"I asked not knowing what was going on.

"Ally? What are you doing here?" Sammy asked trying to figure out what to say next.

"I came to see how you were doing but it seems like you are still off from yesterday." I said turning back.

"No, hold up." Sammy said grabbing my arm and turning me to face him. "Jack came to just to start shit again. I'm sorry he got to me."

"Jack told me he came to apologize but I guess things got heated between you two again." I said rolling my eyes. What in the world is going on between this two.

"You spoke to Jack?" Sammy said raising his voice.

"Matter of fact yes I did." I said rolling my eyes. "I spoke to him when I got here and you know what I'll talk to you when you aren't in such a bitchy mood."  With that said I stormed out.
"Ally wait!" I just heard Sammy yelled as I got on my penny board and left.

I have no idea what has gotten into these boys lately. Ally you have a boyfriend just forget and ignore if these boys have feelings for you. You're happy with Nate and he loves you.

I headed home and took a nap I didn't feel like thinking of anyone or worrying about anything.

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