Chapter 12

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I woke up thinking of the kiss with Gilinsky. It was short meaning 15 seconds though it felt just right. What am I saying? I have a boyfriend, Nate, and I love him. Right? Ugh! I checked the time and it was 8:30 and Will's plane got here at 10. I got up took a shower, put on black leggings, white crop top, and sandals. I put my hair in a bun, grabbed my phone and purse, and headed downstairs to meet Nash.

"You ready?" Nash asked me grabbing the keys and I nodded. We walked out towards the car.

"So what happen yesterday at practice that made you come home crying?" Nash asked on the way to the airport.

"I don't want to talk about it right now," I said looking out the window.

"Well when you're ready tell me. Okay? You know you can trust me, right?" He said grabbing my hand.

"Of course. You're a good older brother Nash. I love you," I smiled.

"I know I am. But I love you too," Nash said and put on the radio. We started dancing and singing. Soon we got to the airport. In the airport, I kept looking for Will till I found him. He saw me too and dropped his bags and I ran towards him. I put my arms around his neck and spun me around.

"I've missed you," I said in his neck.

"I missed you too," he said giving me a kiss on my head. Nash joined the hug.

"I missed you Will," Nash said.

"Of course you did. I missed you too," Will said.

We pulled apart. Will got his bags and we headed towards the car. I sat in the backseat and Will sat in the passengers seat.

"So what's the plan for today?" Will asked.

"First, we're going home and eat breakfast. Then, we will bake cookies shaped as horses. Then, we will get ready and go to mom's house," I said.

"Do we plan on staying the night too?" Will asked.

"Maybe. It depends how the day goes and if mom wants us there," I said.

Both Nash and Will giggled. Nash turned on the radio but this time I was the only singing and dancing.

"How come you're not singing nor dancing Nash?" I asked.

"I don't know," Nash responded then started singing and dancing causing us to laugh.

"Oh how I miss this," Will said laughing.

Soon we got home. Nash helped Will with his bags as I opened the door. Will and Nash entered and Hayes came running towards Will.

"I missed you," Hayes said.

"I missed you too bud," Will said releasing from the hug.

"Hey Cameron. How do this kids behave?"

"Hey Will. They're okay," Cameron said giving him a bro hug.

"Good," Will said.

"So what's for breakfast. I'm hungry," both Will and I said at the same time causing everyone to laugh.

"Pancakes, fruit, and strawberry milkshake," said Cameron.

Breakfast was soon served and we ate and talked about how we were going to surprise mom and Sky. Then we started baking chocolate chip cookies in shape of horses, Sky's favorite animal.

As we were baking the cookies, I took pictures and made vines. We were singing and dancing. When we were done we sat down and planed the whole surprise. Once we figured out what we were going to do, we got ready and packed extra clothes just in case. I took a shower and straighten my hair, put only mascara, a black tank top, high waisted shorts, and black vans. I grabbed my hoodie and phone and bag and headed downstairs.

"Okay, so do we have everything?" I asked the boys.

"Yup, everything is in the car but us, so come on since it's a one hour drive," Will said and we went to the car. Cameron on the meanwhile was also going to go visit his mom and Sierra. We got in the car and Will drove to mom's.

"Who's going to record the surprise?" Nash asked.

"I am. I'll hide the camera in the plants mom has in the porch," I said and the boys nodded.

"Mom might freak when she sees four people with hoodies on and turned around," Hayes said.

"True. Though once she realizes its us, she won't be so freaked out and just hug us and maybe even slap us for giving her a mini heart attack," Nash said. We giggled cuz he's right.

"You have a point but we have to make it interesting," I said, "that's how much we love mom. We still need to buy her flowers."

Will nodded and stopped at the flower place. We bought her a nice flower bouquet and headed towards mom's house. The rest of the way there we were singing. Until we got there though we couldn't park in front of the house cuz that would give it away so we parked around the corner. We put on our hoodies, got the cookies and bouquet.

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