Behind Andy

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I went upstairs to play on my phone a little. AKA stalking this Andy guy on all social media possible. I found his twitter and followed him. He had about 1,000 tweets which wasn't even alot. I didn't want to spam because that would be a little weird. I opened my mac book and saw Twenty One Pilots posted a new video. Joshes band. I pressed the thumbnail and it opened to a screen with Tyler sitting on the floor, his legs crossed, head down and hand in lap. He had his black paint on his neck and hands.

"This is to inform everyone that are beloved drummer, my best friend, and an amazing son and brother is no longer with us. Joshua William Dun was found dead."

A single tear fell from his eye.

"This is the Heavy Dirty Soul music video. The last one with Josh. I'm so sorry for everyone. But please, stay alive stay alive for me."

The video cut to a black screen then you heard Tyler rapping. I watched the whole video. Tears stained my cheek as the fell. I was weak. My heart thumbed and hurt. I fell onto the floor causing a loud bang as my head hit the cold hard wood floor. Foot stepped jogged up the stairs and into my room. My eyes fluttered and shut. Tears still spilling out of my closed lashes.

I woke up on a mans lap. My head resting on his right leg and my body covered in a soft dark blue blanket. I was shaking but not because I was cold, I was still in shock. To see Tyler like that then to have Josh flood my memory. I lifted my ache filled head to see a man with soft features look down and smile at me. He had dark hair and dark eyes.

"Hey there princess..." He smiles at me. His hand on my back rubbing.

"What happened?" I said sitting up with the blanket wrapped around me.

"Well me and your Dad here" he laughed after the word Dad. "Heard you fall and thought something was wrong. He went out to go some Advil. But you were shaking and crying so i layed you down and but a blanket over you."

"Oh, thank you." I was zoned out and was still thinking about Josh.

"Why did you fall?" he said putting his arm around me as he saw I was starting to shake a little.

"Josh, hes dead. Any Tyler made a video about it with the new HDS video. I couldn't think straight I felt week and I fell. I couldn't see straight." I was crying. My makeup was long ruined and I was so desperate for someone to talk to everything just came out. All my emotions. I wound up in Andy's arms. He was gentle but I couldn't dare think of falling for him. What if Brendon killed him too?

Brendon walked in with a bag of snacks and some pills. He had a face of emergency written on him. He ran over to me after scanning the room. He hugged me and kissed my head like a mother does when her four year old fell off their bike an scraps there knee. I felt little and small and pure.

"Stevie are you okay ? Please tell me everything is okay." He hugged me tighter crushing my body under his defined arms."

"I'm okay."

"Here I got you Advil and some of your favorite snacks. I don't want you to get up unless its mandatory okay? If you need anything ask me or Andy."


I was curled up in a ball on the couch. Andy and Brendon went into the kitchen and were talking. I heard Andy yelling and then they both walked back in like nothing happened. They treated me like a was a kid and I loved it.  Andy but on Netflix and played Nemo. It was my favorite movie, I'm guessing Brendon told him. I fell asleep at the part were Dory was with the sharks.

I was woken up by being carried up the stairs. I had my eyes closed mostly but i could make out that it was Andy he was carrying me to my room. He lied me on my bed and covered me with a blanket. He brushed my black long hair out of my face and kissed my forehead. I rolled over and grabbed his hand as he got up. He turned around.

"Lay with me." I yawn out.

"Haha okay" he laughed lightly and layed next to me. I dug my head into his chest and fell asleep. It was about 3 when i was awoken. Andy was snoring loud and i couldn't help but laugh.

"Wh- huh- oh hi" he said choking on what seemed to be air.


"What the fuck time is it?" he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Um about 3:20 ish"

"Morning" we both laughed.

"How are you feeling?"

"Alot better, guess I just needed that."

"Sometimes we all do."

"I'm going to jump in the shower, try not to wake Brendon unless you want him singing all night long haha"

"Oh god nope i'm not leaving this bed now."

"Okay I will just be a few minutes!"

I jumped off my bed and into the bathroom. I heard any turn on the TV. I closed the door and connected my phone to the blue tooth speaker in my shower. Teenagers by My Chemical Romance came on. (Its my favorite song sorry for the tb)

I undressed and stepped into the abyss of steam. I quickly shower it was mainly a PTA shower if you catch my drift. I stepped out and wrapped my towel around me. In The End came on and i couldn't help but sing all of the words and by sing I mean scream.

I left my music on and stepped out of the bathroom still singing. I heard Andy laughing. He was holding his sides. I made my way to my closet.


"Stop stop I can't breath!! hahahahah"

"Well not my fault you made a pretty catchy song"

"I thought you didn't know my band?"

"You thought wrong"

"Get dressed already"


He was laughing and I through on a pair of leggings and a yeezy shirt. I turned off the muisc.

"I wanna tell you somethin" Andy looked at me.

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm whats gucci mah doods? So, I changed my username. Also I wanna just make it clear ANDY IS A FUCKING ANGLE OMG HIS FACE. ok well imma go stalk people on twitter love yaaaaaaalllllllll.

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