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[ sorry for keeping you waiting loves. my life is in order. And if someone could teach me how to play ukulele that would be great :) haha but I love yallllll]
-Black. The world was just black. There was no color. Just an endless abyss. I blinked my eyes faster and faster to hopefully see a sign of light. Just a sign. Nope, nothing. I ran through my mind. Running through this oceans of blackouts. I saw a dim light. Very faint, but it was light. I ran as fast as I could to it. My eyes opened.
"Ma'am? Can you hear me? Ma'am?"
"Ah my head." I reached back and felt it.
"You hit your head on the way out of your house." The nurse was examining my body.
"I don't remember that. I don't really remember anything that happened."
"Do you know your name?"
"Yeah im Stevie Urie."
"Okay Miss Urie. Would you like to call anyone? A family member?"
"Um my dad." I winced at my head in pain.
"What's the number Miss Urie?" I gave her the number and she placed the phone up to my ear.
A man with a deep morning voice answered the phone.
"Hello?" He cleared bis throat.
"Dad." Tears welled my eyes.
"Stevie?" Brendon's voice grew higher.
"Are you okay? What's wrong? Where are you?"
"I'm in the hospital." Tears fell.
"What? Where's Andy?" I couldn't tell if he was sad or angry at this point.
"I-i don't know. Can you come home?"
"I'll be there as soon as I can babygirl" he voice was deep and sad.
"Okay..." I trailed off and hung up the phone.
"Ma'am we want you to stay the night. You may have a concussion." The nurse said.
"Um okay." She unlocked the bed so the wheels would turn now. She started to push me to the elevator. She pressed the up bottom and waited for the arrow to turn orange.
"What happened to the ambulance driver?" I said looking up at her.
"He went to another call." She pushed me into the now open elevator. The doors shut behind us. She pressed a button and we started to move up. We eventually got to our floor. She pushed the bed into a room much larger then the one downstairs. It had a bigger TV and it had a bathroom with a small shower. She placed me next to a chair and a table which had a light and a phone on it. I sat up.
"Do you need anything before I leave?"
"Could I have some water? And maybe something to eat?" I said hearing my stomach rumbling.
"Breakfast should be served soon." I looked at the window to my right to see the sun just coming up. How long was I out? I turned on the tv and played cartoons. I fell asleep after a while. My head was rocking. I felt like I was dying.
"Stevie....." a voice awoke me.
"Huh?" I opened my eyes to see Brendon standing over me. His eyes were red and his cheeks were stained red.  He immediately wrapped his arms around me. He breathed into my neck.
"I'm sorry." He sat in the chair next to the bed. He was still holding my hand.
"What happened?" He leaned closer to me.
"I- um- I'm not sure really. There was this man in the house and he said he was my dad, my real dad-" I was cut off.
"What? Where was Andy?"
"I don't know.."
"I told him to stay near you at all times."
"Look, im okay. There's nothing to worry about." I squeezed his hand to reassure him.
"I know. Look I'm sorry for leaving. I thought it was the best thing to do. But all I did was hurt you. I'm so sorry Stevie. Please forgive me."
"I do forgive you." I closed my eyes.
I wasn't sure weather or not if I completely for gave him. I slept through breakfast


Brendon was leaving again soon. Going on tour...."Kinky Boots" or something like that. He was leaving again. Andy and I are dating. I still dream of Josh. I see him head, leveled with that of the floor, wanting my help. I cry a lot too. But, there is another issue...

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