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We walked into a dim lit restaurant. There were wine glasses tapping and forks hitting plates. And chatting of people who surly weren't murders. A small waisted lady took us to a small table with 2 chairs. She asked us what we would like to drink.
"Your finest bottle of wine" Brendon said. The lady rushed off.
"I'm not allowed to drink Brendon." I coughed.
"When we are out you will call me father. I adopted you remember? I can take you back if you'd like. To that dark small little house? Full of kids crying and sweating. Would you like that?" He said looking me in the eye.
"Father, I can not drink." I said sitting up straight.
The small lady rushed back holding a bottle of red wine in her hands.
"For you sir" she said pouring a tall glass.
"Could we have a diet soda for her?"
"Of course" the small lady once again rushed away.
"Bren- father. What are you going to do?"
"Listen I don't know yet. TYLERS been blowing up my phone all day. "
"Did u talk to him?"
"No but he said he was dropping Josh out The band anyway."
"Oh, "
"Just forget about it. You don't need to worry about it. I do."
We ate diner. Brendon having a steak and myself having a salad. We went home and chilled around the house. I mean what were you to do? Brendon went out to grab some snacks from the store he said. I heard a know on the door.
Ever since the incident I've been very carful around Windows and doors. I tip toed to the door and looked trough the peep hole. It was Tyler. He was crying and shaking. I couldn't leave him out there. I opened the door.
"TYLER OMG ARE YOU OK!" I said wrapping my arm around him helping him walk.
"N-n-no t-t-hey foun-n-d J-J-Josh" he stumbled over his words. I sat him down on the couch and wrapped him in a blanket.
"Found him? Is he..dead?"
"Yes" more tears flooded his cheeks and eyes.
"I'm so sorry Tyler." I said hugging him. He was crying so much. I went over to the kitchen and got him paper towel.
"Did they say how he died?"
"He was on a run and they said he fell off a ledge by the water. His head was all smashed in from the rocks." He was starting to calm down.
"Tyler in so sorry, I'm here for you."
"Thank you, where's Bren?"
"We were watching a movie and he went to go pick some snacks and stuff up. Would you like to stay the night? I mean I do t want you home alone Tyler."
"Could I?" He said wiping his last tears.
"Of course!"
Brendon walked in and put the bags in the kitchen I followed him.
"Why is he here?" He growled
"They found Josh the police think he was on a run and fell down a cliff into the water."
"So why is he here!" His voice getting louder.
"He was shaking and crying I let him in he's staying the night. Don't fucking kill him."
"Here" he threw a bag of chips and some candy and I went to the living room to find Tyler with his head laying on his knees. He was still upset. His best friend died. I sat next to him and handed him a bag of skittles.
"Thank you Stevie. I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry it's ok I understand."
Brendon came in and put on a funny movie. I fell asleep on the couch in Tyler's lap. Brendon had carried me into my room. Tyler stayed in the guest room and Brendon in his. In the morning Tyler and Brendon were talking about it. Tyler was calm this time. They were eating waffles I'm guessing Brendon made. Josh was to have a closed casket funeral. The worst kind. I wanted to cry just saying ha name. I sat next to Tyler in the kitchen, Brendon handed me a plate of waffles and mixed Berries. I didn't say much because Tyler and I'm were talking about everything. If I opened my mouth I think I would cry.
"Good morning sugar" Brendon said as he kissed the top of my head and then sat down at the table.
"Morning ty morning Brendon" I said as so yawned.
They talked and talked about everything and everyone. I ate my food and went upstairs. I thought since I didn't shower for a day or so I could just jump in and rinse off. I undressed and stepped in. I rinsed my long hair out. My hair has grown so much that it was past my butt. I didn't want to cut it. I love my hair. I washed it out and turned the water off. I wrapped a tan towel around my body and a matching one around my hair. I walked out to find Brendon on my bed. I was startled by his presents.
"Um what are you doing in here?" I said holding my towel in place.
"Listen I'm having a good friend come over. I want you to be kind to him. Maybe even try to ya know.."
"Yeah, what's his name? " I Said.
"Andy, he will be over in a little dress a little sexy."
Brendon left my room and I rushed to my closet. I've heard of Andy. He was in a band call Black Veil Brides. I found my tightest late of skinny jeans. They had rips in them. I threw in a black lace bra and then a black belly shirt that said " why are we still talking" on it. I threw on black socks and went down stairs. I went to the kitchen to clean up from breakfast. I was the dishes. Tyler was gone by now. He had went home to his wife. Brendon was on the couch on his phone as usual.
After a while there was also knock on the door. A very tall and angle like. His face was perfect night I add. I didn't mind him walking in. He gave Brendon I high five then a bro hug. They sat in the couch and talked. I finished doing the dishes and wiped my hands off. I walked over and put my hands in Brendon's shoulders.
"Oh hey Stevie this is Andy"
"I'm going to make lunch anything special?" I said standing up.
"Um how about Mac and cheese?"
"Yeah that sounds great" Andy saying smiling (chllkhfjlhssjl fuck)
"Alright" I said smiling and walking back.
"One hell of a girl ya got there." Andy said to Brendon
"She's my daughter I adopter her. I wanted someone to have everything when you know I'm gone."
"Is she single?"
"Take it easy tiger."
I smiled so wide. Andy was hot and had a deep voice. He made me wet just by talking. His deep tone and rough look was sexy. I wanted to touch him. But I couldn't after what happened to Josh.  I can't help but feel it was my fault. But Brendon wanted me to go for him. Why? I don't know but I'll keep my distance. I boiled some water to put the noodles in. I finished cooking and served the food. I stayed quiet for most of the lunch other then to agree with certain comments. But I saw Andy looking at me..

Heyyyy! So this past week I really got my life in order. I've been working out and going on a diet. And in 3-4 years I plan on moving to LA to go to school. I don't know anyone there (I mean other then famous people but) so if you live in California and would like to be friends please do! Even if you don't live in that area and would like to be friends don't be afraid to message me.
[ social media]
Insta- acidunicorns , tschoepe_
Snap- starr_jaiden
Twitter- jaiden_starr
YouTube- Josh Dun Flower Crown
:) have a great day!

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