Part 1

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It's been two years since the Akatsuki found me, two years since they took me in.  They raised me since I was 12, and now I'm 14. Although I've only known them for 2 years. . .They are my life. My family. I have no memories of anything before the age of 12, all I remember is Jutsu, my name and well. . .That's about it. According to Deidara and Itachi I was found near a river passed out, they brought me back here and decided to keep me.  Here I have a family, Pein is who I call dad, Konan is mom. Sasori, Kakazu and Deidara are my cousins, Itachi is my brother, kisame is my uncle and Hidan is my uncle.  Tobi is who I call my SO, soul mate. . .He's my best friend. I love him unconditionally.  I turned left and found myself in the living room where Itachi, Kisame, Tobi and Deidara were. 

"Morning pipsqueak,"  Uncle Kisame said. 

"Morning," I replied walking in and sitting between Uncle Kisame and Deidara. 

"Miku-chan! Did you sleep well?" Tobi asked while playing with a toy train on the ground. 

"Mhm, and how about you?" I asked smiling under my mask. 

"Tobi slept great! Thanks!" He chirped, I threw my hands over my eyes and rested my head against the back of the couch. 

"What's the plans for today?" I asked sighing. 

"We're going on a mission later," Kisame said taking a bite of bacon. I nodded. I knew my we, he meant him and Itachi. 

"Morning hot stuff," Uncle Hidan said joining us, he sat on the chair.  I looked at him and rolled my visible eyes.  "Don't roll your eyes at your daddy bitch." He said. 

"Shut up you whore," I said jokingly, he smirked. 

"That's more like it," he said triumphantly. 

"Hey Miku," Deidara said speaking up, it looked like he had something on his mind. 

"Hmm?" I asked looking at him. 

"Why don't you ever take your mask off?" He asked, everyone looked at him and then me. Even Tobi stopped playing with his train and looked at us curiously. 

"I don't know, just a habit I guess," I replied.

"Can you show us?" Deidara said thoughtfully. 

"You wanna know what's under my mask?" I asked smirking. He nodded. "I'll show you." I stated. "Under my mask. . . ."  I started off, I pulled down my mask. "Is another mask!" I chirped. They all anime fell. 

"Miku-channn," Tobi whined. "Tobi wanted to see your face." He pouted. I giggled.

"Fine, fine," I said. I pulled my mask off, right as I did the rest of the Akatsuki including dad and mom came in. They all blushed. 

"That's what I look like," I said pulling my mask back up." 

*Third person pov. . .Mean while* 

"Kakashi!!" Tsunade yelled slamming her hands down on her desk with an anime vein on her forehead. They were in a meeting, well all the jonin that is.  He jumped a bit.

"Hmm?" He asked looking at her casually. 

"Were you listening?!" She yelled. 

"No," he said bluntly, all the jonin sweat dropped. Tsunade got an anime vein and threw a book at him.

"WHY IS IT EVERY YEAR ON THIS DAY YOU AND ASUMA, KURENAI, GAI AND THE 'ROOKIE 9' AND OTHERS ZONE OUT?!!! You looked depressed, like something is bothering you." She ended off sitting down and looking at him thoughtfully yet expectantly. "What happened?"  Kakashi sighed and looked down. 

"My daughter," he started off. Everyone gasped, no one knew Kakashi had a daughter.  Tsunade leaned back in her chair. "She was one of the strongest ninja in Kohona, beautiful, nice, strong." He said thoughtfully. "She was the captain of the anbu at age 9." he boasted smiling. He suddenly became depressed. "But she was taken." 

"Taken...? By who?" Tsunade asked.  Kakshi let out a breath and ran his fingers through his hair. 

"The Akatsuki," he whispered.  "We looked for her everyday. . . No leads, no scent no nothing." Kakashi said sadly. 

"Miku, she was loved by everyone. My team loved her, Kakashi's team, Gai's, Kurenai's. She had us all wrapped around her finger I guess you can say," Asuma said sadly. 

"She was one of the lights, she made our day better and appeared when we most needed her." Kurenai added. 

"How do they know her?" Shizune asked holding Tonton.

"She was put on my team by the Third to make some friends, and boy did she." Kakashi stated laughing a little. "She was strong, and encouraged everyone to be as strong as her. That's one of the reasons Sakura became your apprentice."  

"She seems nice," Shizune mumbled. 

"I don't get it. . .What happened?" Tsunade said. 

"If only I had told her to stay, to stay there. Then, my little girl. . .She would, she would still be her." Kakashi broke down.   Tsunade looked at him sadly as did the rest of the jonin. 

"Huh?" Shizune mumbled. 

"We were fighting the Akatsuki," Asuma said clearing the confusion. "She showed up as soon as she got out of the hospital, while she was at her weakest by accident. Kakashi told her to leave and that we had it. The Akatsuki retreated about  5 minutes after, Kakashi passed out. . .And that's when they took her." 

"Hwo can you be sure they took her?" Tsunade asked. 

"Witnesses said they saw 2 men in black cloacks with red clouds following her." Neji said stepping in.

"Neji? You too?" A random jonin asked. 

"Yea," he replied. "She was the love of my life, and still is." He sulked. 

"I miss my niece!" Gai cried. 

"I want my baby back in my arms," Kakashi cried. 

"I want to see my girlfriend again," Neji sulked. 

"I want to see Miku's smile," Kurenai cried. 

"I just want Miku back home," Asuma cried letting out a few tears. 

"WE MISS CAPTAIN!" The 4 anbu cried coming out of the wall. 

"You guys too?" Shizune asked. 

"She was our sensei, she encouraged us and made us happy."  Bear answered. 

"Well, why can't we find her?" Tsunade asked about to cry because of the state everyone was in. 

"No leads," Neji said.  "Not even Danzo could find her." 

"She had Danzo too?!" Tsunade asked shocked. 

"And the elders," Kakashi said. "Everyone looked for her, even when you didn't know."  Suddenly the door slammed open. 


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