Part 29

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I looked up into the night, meeting Sai was honestly a hassle. I looked down at my belly, then back up to the moon. 

"Please, I pray. Let. . . . Spare Neji, I couldn't live without him. I want to have a child with him, I want to spend the rest of our lives together. If he dies, I'll die. But. . . . There's so much people I care about. Naruto, Sakura, dad, everyone. I want to see what their lives will be like, and be part of it none the less. Plus, if I died. . . Dad would. . . He, he himself would have no reason to live. Please spirits of the moon, goddess of the sky I know I'm asking a lot-and that as a ninja I have to endure through the pain. But please, keep Neji safe." I prayed.  Most people don't know about them, well I do. In the Akatsuki I was forced to kill a girl, she passed on what she called a burden to me. In reality, I think of it more as a gift.  I looked back behind me, my curtains were floating. Smiling to myself I jumped off my balcony. The air whooshed passed my hair causing it to float gently in the air. I landed with a soft thud, turning to the left I began running. 

I walked up to the door of the Hyuga compound and knocked gently, I know I was there super late. . . But I just had to see Neji. The door opened, there stood a Hyuga I didn't know, he wasn't Hinata's father nor sister. . . And this wasn't Neji. 

"What business do you have with the Hyuga so late?" He demanded, I looked at him blankly.  

"A mission," I stated, he raised an eyebrow.

"Who do you need?" He asked with a stern voice. 

"Neji Hyuga," I stated, he glared. 

"No," he said coldly.  "What ever kid mission you were assigned do it yourself." I raised an eyebrow. 

"Excuse me? Do you know who you're talking to?" I demanded, this guy was getting on my nerves. 

"No, and I don't want to." The guy replied, my eyes flashed red. 

"What's going on here?" Hiyashi Hinata's dad asked walking up. 

"Hiyashi-san!" The guy stated bowing. He looked at me.

  "Miku, why are you here so late?" 

"I was assigned a mission, and one of the team mates is Neji." I replied. "This dickwad clearly doesn't know who I am. Hiyashi,  I suggest you keep a tight stern on your subordinates."

"He will one day be your family Miku," Hiyashi sighed. I blushed. "I'll inform everyone who you are and your rank. Come in." He said moving out of the way so I could enter. The house was dark yet beautiful. I never get tired of coming here.  As I walked in I saw Hiyashi glare at his subordinate.   "You can go to Neji's room and wake him, I'm going back to bed."  I nodded. I began walking down the hallway to his room, there were many doors as expected. I turned to the door on the left, Neji's door. I gently knocked and opened it, he was sleeping. I smiled lightly and walked in, I closed the door gently and walked up to him. Sitting on the side of his bed I leaned down and kissed his forehead. 

"Neji, it's time to get up honey." I softly said, he didn't stir. I gently shook him, his eye opened.  He looked at me, groaned and sat up. 

"Why're you here?" He asked. 

"Mission, both of us. The hokage instructed you to be on the team." I stated, it was now I realized he was shirtless. I smiled slightly. "I'll pack your clothes so you can wake up a little." He flopped back down and threw his hand over his eyes. He peaked at me with one eye. 

"You're so cute, you know that" He stated, I blushed. 

"Darn, you make me blush so much." I mumbled.  He chuckled and pulled me down. He started cuddling me. "Neji, I should be packing your clothes." I whispered. 

"To hell with it, lets stay like this a little while longer." He whispered back, I smiled and pulled my mask down, I then sank into him a little more. 

"Neji," I spoke.

"Hmm," he hummed against my neck. 

"I love you."  He moved his head so he was looking me in the eyes. His eyes were soft, he leaned down and kissed me. 

"I love you too," he said as he rest his forehead against mine.  His eyes are so beautiful. I brought my hand up and moved a piece off of his face. I trailed my hand up to his mark and smiled. 

"You're gorgeous in every way," I whispered.  

Neji was now laying on my lap while I stroked his hair. 

"Is there really a mission?" He asked. 

"Nope," I said. He sighed and laughed a little bit. 

"You just wanted to see me?" He stated. 

"Yep, you're family is intimidating you know that. I friken wanted you to answer the door. Not, what's his face." He laughed. 

"You mean Hiskoro. Yeah he can be a jerk to outsiders, but he really is nice." Neji stated.

"Any who lets go to my house, dad is in the hospital and will be for a while." He got up and damn was he hot. I kissed his lips once more before he packed. 

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