Part 12

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Miku looked around curiously. 

"Woah," she muttered. All around her were steel walls and where the three of them were standing looked exactly like nature.  "Are we. . .Inside the lock?"

"It appears so," Inoichi mumbled looking around. 

"How are we going to get out?" Ibiki grumbled glaring at nothing. Miku hmm'd and walked around, she felt something crunch beneath her foot. She stopped and lifted her foot off of it, it was a piece of paper. Bending down she picked it up.

"Ibiki, Inoichi." She said capturing their attention, they looked at her.  "Come here." She said, Ibiki and Inoichi walked over to her and gazed over her shoulder.

"A note?" Inoichi whispered. 

"Give it here brat," Ibiki siad trying to snatch it away, she quickly moved her hands away and glared. 

"No," she said with the utmost venom in her voice, Ibiki glared but backed off.  

"What does it say?" Ibiki asked, she looked back at the note. It was written in a foreign language. 

"It's in a foreign language," Miku whispered looking at it. Inoichi took the note carefully.

"I don't know this language," he muttered.

"Give it here you twerps," Ibiki snatched it away, he scanned over the note and stayed quite as he handed it back to Miku. Miku activated her Kekkei genkai and scanned over the note once more, her surroundings turned blue and everything slowed down. She could hear everything, from the beating heart of Ibiki to the small crawling animals below her. 

"It says    'Et aperuerit mihi januam quasi horarum trium spatium, vos non potestis venire II partibus. Cubiculum terribilibus nocentibus, tres horas mutare labyrinthums.'" Miku spoke aloud, she racked through her brain, she remembered Pein teaching her some of it so she could read ancient scrolls.  "That doesn't make sense though."

"What doesn't? The whole thing doesn't!" Ibiki yelled. 

"I translated it, but it doesn't make sense," Miku whispered. "Almost like a riddle but not." 

"What did it translate to?:" Inoichi asked. 

" Opens the door of the three hours, you can not come to you in 2 aspects. The room terrible dangers, a labyrinth of change for three hours." She mumbled. 

"Opens the door of the three hours," Inoichi whispered. "The door opens every 3 hours!" He said aloud. 

"Okay, now 'you can not come to you in 2 aspects'." Miku read. 

"You can't go in more then groups of 2?" Ibiki whispered. 

"Which means one of us will have to stay behind," Miku whispered. 

"The room terrible dangers. . .The place is dangerous." Inoichi read  from above her shoulder. 

"A labyrinth of change for three hours.  It changes for three hours??" Ibiki concluded. 

"That doesn't make sense," Miku whispered. "Maybe it changes every three hours." She concluded.  

"Okay so The door opens every three hours, we can't go in with more then 2 people, it's dangerous and it changes every 3 hours." Ibiki concluded, they nodded. 

"So. . .Who's going to stay behind?" Miku whispered, all three of them looked at each other. A loud screech came from the other side of the walls, the walls began to open.

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