Part 11

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I was more then a bit nervous while sitting in the metal chair, what if everything was staged and they were trying to get information out of me? They don't seem like those kinds of people though, my mind drifted back to the picture of me. There is no way they could've forged that. 

"Are you ready?" Ibiki the scarred man asked. I nodded and took a deep breath in. 

"Close your eyes," Inoichi the blonde said nicely, I closed them softly. "Now we are going to go into your mind, do not resist us." 

"Okay," I whispered. The it happened, the sense of more then one person inside of me, I let out a small gasp. I could feel them inside my head, I pulled myself to where they were inside my head unknowingly. 

"Miku, can you lead us to a locked door?" Inoichi asked, I looked around. There were many, many doors and paths, each one labeled justu or new family. 

"I've never been in here before," I whispered. 

"Of course," Ibiki grumbled, I sighed and looked around. My feet started dragging me in an unknown direction. Almost like a lure. I walked up a pair of stairs and many, many different turns passing a couple doors.  I stopped instinctively and looked up. 

"There's nothing here brat!" Ibiki growled about to attack me, I stare at the blankness ahead of me.  Inoichi and Ibiki turned around and began walking away.

'Remember,' a voice whispered, the blankness ahead started to glow.

"Remember," I whispered closing my eyes. A huge fancy golden door appeared and shone brighter then a star. I let out a little yelp catching Inoichi and Ibiki's attention. They went wide eyed and walked over to the door.

"A lock?" Inoichi asked curiously. 

"That's impossible," Ibiki growled grabbing the lock and yanking it. 

"What?" I asked walking up to them. 

"There's only seals, this. . .This is an actual hard lock that requires a lot of work and time." Inoichi whispered. He touched the lock and was gone in a flash of white light. 

"Inoichi!" Me and Ibiki yelled, I looked around frantically.

"Where did he go?" I asked.

"I don't know, he just touched this an-" Ibiki started saying.

"And?" I asked looking off into the distance to see if I could see Inoichi. "Yo, Ibiki." Nothing, only silence. "Ibiki now's not the time to be igno-" I started saying as I turned around. He was gone.  "Maybe they left my head to get help." I said aloud looking up. "Or maybe. . ." I looked at the lock. 

* With Inoichi and Ibiki 3rd person pov* 

Ibiki looked around, they were surrounded by metal walls and trapped inside a circular enclosure. There were trees and grass and a blue sky where they were. 

"Where are we?" Ibiki asked Inoichi. 

"I'm going to guess. . .This is how we unlock the lock." Inoichi answered looking around. 

"Ibiki now's not the time to be igno-" They heard a voice echo from above. Both of their eyes widen. 

"MIKU!" Inoichi screamed.

"MIKU! IN HERE!" Ibiki yelled, they were both jumping and flailing their arms hoping to be seen. 

"Maybe they left my head to go get help," They heard the echo once more. 

"NO!" They both screamed. "We're in here!" 

"Or maybe. . ." They heard a whisper, a blinding white flash sent them flying back a couple meters.   Ibiki and Inoichi were lying on their backs groaning a bit, they sat up only to see Miku stanidng casually reading a book.  

"Yo." She greeted. 

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