Part 14

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As Ibiki and Inoichi traveled in deeper and deeper into the mind lock the place became scarier and scarier, they were both already covered in multiple bruises and most of their chakra was gone. Panting they hid behind a vine covered wall, they heard the many footsteps of the enemy pass by. 

"Are they *pant* gone?" Inoichi asked putting his hands on his knees; the creatures that were chasing them were skeletons with axes and armor, to say they freaked out is an understatement. 

"Yea, looks so." Ibiki whispered panting as well, Ibiki peeked his head out and let out a sigh.  "At this rate we'll never figure the maze out." Ibiki sighed face palming. 

"We just need to remember what the lock looked like," Inoichi whispered, in his mind he thought of the complicated lock. "I would be able to pin point our coordinates but I was to busy running to remember." He stated. Ibiki nodded in response. 

"Meanwhile I've been working my ass off and actually caught a friend," Miku said from above them, they paled and looked up. "Yo." She said waving, once they realized it was only Miku they sighed in relief. 

"Miku. . .How are you hanging upside down?" Ibiki asked.

"Oh, Minikui is holding me up," she smiled under her mask. The beast came out. "See." Ibiki and Inoichi fell in fear. 

"Of course only you would tame it," Ibiki whispered. 


They were almost at the end of the maze, Minikui lead them there. Ibiki was still skeptical about riding on her pets back but none the less stayed still. They saw the exit and smiled as Minikui let them down. 

"Thank you boy," Miku whispered as she put her head against Minikui's. "As a prize," she started off, she whipped out a scroll and bit her finger then wrote her name. "You will be my summoning, go on. . .Put your paw print." She encouraged, the beast did as told. And voila a contract people. Minikui disappeared as Miku turned around, the light at the end faded all that was there was a hand print. The three walked up to it. 

"What the fuck, a hand print?" Ibiki growled. "WE FUCKING DID ALL OF THAT ONLY TO FIND A HAND PRINT??!!!" He screamed. Inoichi had steam coming out of his ears, Miku looked at it carefully. 

'Weird, it's the same size as my hand. . .Maybe-' She thought as she put her hand ontop; in another flash of light they were gone and inside the gate, the chains now broken. The memories of her family and Kohona flew around in the room, each a different colour. They all started flying towards Miku and entering through her head. 

"MIKU!" Inoichi screamed. 

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