Part 31

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I blocked another attack from the tentails and skid back from the impact, we were waiting for Naruto to recharge and lend power to everyone. Currently I am fighting far away from him, he's behind us. 

*Third person pov* 

"Hinata?" Naruto asked wide eyed, the tentails focused an attack on Naruto. Noticing this Hinata jumped in front of Naruto ready to take the impact. 

'A direct attack' Neji thought, he looked at Miku who was fighting. 'We need to win this war, without Naruto. . .My love. I'm sorry' Neji thought, without hesitance he jumped in front of the attack spreading his arms like an eagle.  The attack hit him dead on and pierced his skin, with a thud he started to fall to the ground. 

"NEJI!" Naruto yelled, he ran up and caught him. 

"N-Neji?" Hinata whispered, tears coming out of his eyes. 

"W-why?" Naruto cried. 

"B-because," he coughed up blood. "You called me a genius." His eyes closed. 

"MEDIC!!" Naruto screamed. Everyone turned towards Naruto. 

"N-Neji's dead?" Lee whispered. Everyone was in shock.  

"EVERYONE WE HAVE A BATTLE TO FIGHT!" Miku screamed at all the people who stopped battling.  No one listened to her, only glared. Growling Miku shoved through everyone to see what happened, she appeared beside Tenten and Lee. She froze stiff as a board. Tears escaped her eyes.  Lee was wailing but stopped as soon as he saw Miku. 

"Miku," Kakashi tried to comfort. She gulped and walked up to Neji, and collapsed right beside him. 

"N-Neji," she whispered. "This isn't funny. Wake up." Miku said, everyone was watching the scene with sad eyes. Those two were the power couple of the village, everyone knew of their love. Naruto had tears coming out of his eyes. Miku shook Neji. "Neji, wake up!" She said louder. "He's just passed out . . .Right?" Miku whispered. "Yea, he's just passed out. Neji, wake up. Hurry up, we're in a middle of a war. Neji." She shook him even harder. Miku had tears coming out of her eyes. "NEJI!" She screamed, Kakashi came and put a hand on her shoulder. 

"Miku, he's-" Kakashi began. 

"NO! He's not dead! He's just sleeping!" Miku screamed, she grabbed Neji and dissappeared. 

"MIKU!" Everyone yelled. 


"She'll come back." Kakashi whispered tears in his eyes.  

"I thought you said you weren't going to let anyone die Naruto! Look around you!" Madara yelled on top of the ten tails.  Naruto looked around sad eyes, hands clenched in a fist. He saw how many dead bodies were laying around. 

*Timeskip with Miku* 

Miku was beside Neji with sad eyes, she was using her healing jutsu to heal him. She refused to give up on him.  Tears escaped her eyes as flashbacks ran threw her brain like no tomorrow. 

"I love you," Neji whispered smiling.  "We'll always be together, don't worry." He reached out his hand smiling. 

"Promise we'll always stay together?" she asked, he looked at me.

"I promise," he replied. 

"Pinkie promise?" 

"Pinkie promise."  

Miku was under a Sakura blossom tree looking at the village. All of a sudden Neji came up behind her and spun her around and kissed her while the flowers flew down. 

"Happy anniversary." He whispered. 

"Hey, look who it is. Mrs. Neji Hyuga." Her friends giggled. 

"H-Y-you guys." Miku blushed. 

"I like the sound of that, Mrs. Neji Hyuga, Miku Hyuga." Neji appeared smiling. Suddenly everything went white and all Miku could see was Neji walking away. She ran after him. 

"NEJI!" She screamed, he pretended not to hear her and disappeared into the light. 

*With Sasuke*

"We should go help now," The first Hokage Hashirama said. 

"I agree," the second agree'd. The others nodded and so did Sasuke. 

"AHHH!" They heard an ear piercing scream nearby. Sasuke perked up, he knew that scream. His eyes widen. 

"MIKU!" He screamed right as Lord Third did. They both ran off. 

"Hey you guys, the war is that way." The second stated. His older brother the first put a hand on his shoulder. 

"Lets go see what's going on." He said.  The second hokage sighed. 

"Fine." He mumbled. Him, the first, Orochimaru and everyone else followed Sasuke and The third to the voice. There they saw someone crying they're hearts out over a figure. Sasuke stopped and stiffened. 

"Miku?" The Third asked, Miku's head snapped up and looked at the thirds. Her mask was down but her face was stained with tears. The Thirds mood dropped drastically, all theirs did. Although Sasuke's dropped the most.  The Third walked up to her. 

"I. . .I've never seen Miku like this." Sasuke said. The First looked at him confused. "Miku is one of the strongest shinobi in our village. She. . . She never cried."  They looked back at Miku who was sobbing hysterically into the Third arms. 

"What happened?" The First asked, he came up and looked at Neji who was laying on the ground. He was confused, none the less sad. 

"Neji?" Sasuke whispered.  He looked at Miku. "Miku, I. . . . .I'm so sorry." Everyone's eyes widen at that. Sasuke Uchiha, apologizing. That never happens. Miku wiped her tears and sniffled.  

"Miku," the Second Hokage said catching everyone's attention. Miku looked at him. "You need to go back on the battlefield." 

"Lord Second!" The fourth said wide eyed. 

"Everyone out there is fighting, fighting for our land while your crying over someone who's dead. Get your act together." He continued. SLAP. Lord third slapped the second across the face. Everyone was wide eyed. 

"She just lost someone she loved, her and Neji were the power couple. Their love was stronger then mine for Kohona! She has a right to cry an-" Hiruzen began to say. 

"No, he's right." Miku spoke up. She wiped her tears. 

"Miku," Hiruzen said looking at her. 

"I've been the anbu captain since I was 9. I should already know how to keep my emotions in check." Miku stated, she bit her lip and looked back at Neji and then forward.  "Lets go."  

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