I dedicate this chapter to my bff trittanyjileyxo You know why! Lol
Trevor's POV
I arrive at the restaurant and see Brittany sitting and starring out the window looking down at the city.
I place a hand on her shoulder and she turns her head. "Hi" She smiles. "Yo" "I ordered water for us, but you can get anything you want." She tells me. "Nah, Water is fine." I smile.I would like to think this is a date but it's not, Even if it's just the two of us. This is really rare that both of us go out together, It is usually with a friend or with the cast. I was surprised when she called and she said wanted to talk. I thought maybe she would tell be what's bothering her.
"So, What did you wanna talk about?" I ask. I could tell she was nervous because she was playing with her fingers. "What's wrong?" I ask suddenly afraid. "Nothings wrong." She tells me and I relax a little.
"Trevor, I wanted to talk about us." She said quietly. I didn't understand. There wasn't an us, We aren't dating.
"I don't understand." "Trev, Everyone thinks we would be perfect together and they think we like each other. I don't know why, but they do." She explains. Before I can reply an older couple stops at our table. "Why aren't you a cute couple." The lady says. I am about to protest but Brittany speaks up. "Thanks." She says and the couple walk away. "See what I mean?" She asks. I let out a small laugh. "Yea, but what does this have to do about us?" I ask.
"Trevor, I want-" Brittany starts but was interrupted by two girls. "OMG! Your Brittany Raymond!" They squeal. "Hey, What about me?" I say and the girls laugh. "Your Trevor Tordjman." They squeal. "Can we take a picture with you?" She asks.
I just thought of something. If they share the picture of us, all of the Trittany fans will go crazy. I make a face to Britt but she already agreed. We take a picture with them and they cannot stop talking about how much they love us. It was cute and I love our fans so much but I kinda wanted to know what Brittany was about to say. "Bye Gabriela and Carly." Brittany says as they leave the restaurant.
"So, Where were we?" I ask. "Never mind, it wasn't important." She says.
I think she changed her mind about telling me something. "We haven't even ordered." She laughs. "I'm starving so let's order some food." I say and laugh along with her.We order the food and it takes about twenty minutes for it to arrive. As soon as my plate was in front of me, I started cutting into the hot, juicy steak. "How is your food?" I ask Brittany. "Perfect as usual." She smiles which causes me to as well. We eat our dinner and we talk about our families and we tease each other like we do. I payed for our dinner which Brittany insisted that I didn't.
On our way down, I offered Brittany my arm which she gladly accepted. We reach the first floor and put on our jackets. "Do you mind if we stroll around for a bit?" She asks. "Nope" I reply and we walk around downtown Toronto, even if it was busy. "Thanks for the nice dinner. It was fun to spend time with you other then dancing." She says. "Ya no problem." I reply. "So, what's really bothering you?" I ask and she takes a deep breath.
"I'm afraid." She says looking down. "What are you afraid of?" I ask with a funny feeling in my stomach. "I'm afraid that I won't get to go on this tour and that my family will need me here and if I stay, this will be the last tour because it's not looking like there's going to be a season 6 of TNS." She sniffles.
"Oh Thank God." I sigh of relief. "What?" She looks at me confused.
"I thought you were pregnant or something." I tell her. "You think I would do something like that!" She says defensive. "No, no." I say quickly."I would never, ever get myself pregnant with some jerk!" She says with tears. "Britt, I'm sorry." I say realizing I hit a soft spot I didn't know she had.
"Really? How come you said something?" She says. "Cause you scared me!"
"You don't get it. I am afraid every day that I have to stay here again while your off in Australia and New Zealand with everyone and having so much fun!"
"Brittany, I get that your scared. I would be too if I was so close to last years tour but had to stay back." I explain. "You have no idea what it was like to see your social media and seeing all your posts when I was back in Toronto." She explains. "I know." "I'm afraid that will happen again." She says with worry. "Brittany, You can't be afraid of the future." I say holding her tight. "I know, I know. It's not like me at all." She says. "No one is perfect Britt." I say and kiss the top of her head.
It is really nice to be this close to Brittany without having to act. Sure, we cuddle and stuff but that's when we portray James and Riley. It's not us, but this is. "You know, We are not acting." I tell her. "I know and I like it." She says. "A lot." "So do I." I smile looking down at her. "Please don't tell anyone about me being afraid." She pleads. "I won't." I say and we start walking back to our cars. "Well, I will see you on Monday." I say. "Yea, Bye" She says and I watch her get into her car.
If I was being honest with myself, I didn't want this night to end. It was perfect in my opinion. Hold up, Am I starting to like Brittany?!

Trittany: Finding Each Other
FanfictionTrevor Tordjman and Brittany Raymond only considered themselves as close friends. What happens when Trevor and Brittany think they could be more?