Chapter 19 Conclusions

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Brittany's POV

"Wait for me!" I shout running out of the bus and catch up to Victoria.
"We need to walk faster if we want to go to the museum and the beach this morning." Victoria says. I nod and walk even faster.

Victoria and I are the only ones who wanted to see the museums here in Sydney instead of going to the beach but the girls persuaded us into only going to one museum and then coming to the beach the rest of the morning. I really just wanted to sleep or rest for the show tonight because I'm not 100% better yet but I wanted to go explore Sydney as well so here I am now, walking down the street to a museum with Victoria.

"How was last night?" I ask her. "Oh it was so fun!" She said smiling. "Was there many people?" I ask. "Eh, just a few but I had always wanted to do it so I didn't really care." She tells me. "Isaac told me earlier this morning that you guys didn't come back for like 2 hours." "Oh we were having fun. We did some moves in the sand and we took pictures of each other that were super cool." She says. "Vic, before our way back, could we stop for coffee because I want to talk with you." I ask. "Sure but Can't we do it now?" She asks and I shake my head. "I don't want to now." I say with a slight smile. "It's something about Trevor right?" She sighs and I put my head down. "Uh maybe." I whisper. "Ok fine, but we have to run to make it to the museum." She states and we both start to slightly run.

Victoria and I spent a couple hours walking around the museum and of course, there was a school trip and a lot of kids noticed us so we had to take selfies with them. One actually gave Victoria her present that she was going to give to her later that night. The look on the girl's face was priceless. I love interacting with our fans.

On the way back, Victoria and I stoped at a little café. The smelled of fresh brewed coffee and pastries greeted us as we walked in. We quickly ordered our drinks, Victoria had got a iced coffee while I got a cold brew tea. The two vintage chairs in the corner was a perfect place to sit and discuss whatever.

With our cold drinks in hand, I had seated in the chair while Victoria sat directly opposite of me. "I love this coffee." She exclaims taking a few sips. "Yea this tea is very good." I reply and smile.

"So, What do you want to talk about Trev for?" She asked getting right to the point, like always. I swallow my tea and speak. "What does it feel like to really like somebody?" I ask looking right at her. "Well, Your drawn to that person and you always want to be around that particular someone. And when you with him, you feel butterflies and you don't ever want them to go away." She says sighing. "You mean like you and Isaac." I laugh. "No not like that!" She giggles. "So, Do you think you like Trevor?" She asks with a hint of disappointment in her voice. "Uh, I think I figured out my feelings." I smile.

These past couple days when I've had missed out on stuff and hanging out with my friends, I couldn't stop thinking about Trevor and I couldn't even see him because it would make my brain hurt worse because all I thought about was him confessing his liking towards me. Our relationship has had a few bumps recently but I'm ready to leave it in the past. When Trevor came and checked on me while I was packing back in NewCastle, that made me come to two conclusions. One of them was made clear to me last night and just now. What I feel for Trevor is something I never thought was possible. I want to talk with him about all of this but I need to find the right time, but hopefully soon.

Victoria and I changed into our swimwear and headed down to the beach where our friends were hanging out. As soon as the sand was in sight and may I add, water, I took my flip flops off and walked a few steps before I felt the hot grainy sand on my feet. I smiled broadly while walking down to the cast. We spotted them right away, a group of young adults with crazy men, with a bunch of girls tanning on the beach, they aren't hard to find.

We greet each other and I glance out to the seemingly endless teal ocean. The boys were out deep and they called us to join them but I declined their offer.
I pick up an extra polka dot beach blanket and laid it down on the golden sand. I reach to take off my see-throw coverup and throw it into the bag I brought with me.

I lay down on my back and close my eyes letting myself fall asleep to the girls talking about how their nails are chipped. I jolted my head up when I felt cold water droplets on my bare back.

"Woah, Are you ok?" Lamar asks. "Yea sorry, I was just surprised." I tell them with a bright smile convincing them
that I was just surprised.

"Do you want to come into the water before we leave?" He asks. "What time is it?" I ask. "A half an hour after noon." He tells me and I then realized how long I had slept. I probably had a bad sunburn because I had no sunscreen on any part of my body except my face. That was a mistake.

I get up on my feet again and walk towards the teal ocean that the cast is now in. Half of the girls are about knee deep in water while Briar and Jordan are with the boys in deep enough water that you had to swim. Although I loved the water, I had a fear of what was underneath me so I never go deep.

While little waves crashed on my legs, I giggled with Victoria and Shelby. I asked them about my back and they gave a sorrowful look at me. "It's really red B." They tell me and I sigh. "I might have to get something for it." I say with a light laugh. "Hey Raymond! You look like a tomato!" I hear a familiar masculine voice shout. "Thanks Tordjman! You look like a potato!" I shout back as I hear him laugh. "Hey! This potato is a handsome one." He chuckles. "Keep thinking that!" I giggled.

He comes towards me and picked me up dragging me towards the deeper water. "Trev put me down now!" I squeal. We reach the small group, whose now in shallower water and he throws me into the water. "Your so mean!" I giggle teasing him. "I would bring you out further if you weren't afraid." He replies as I roll my eyes and head back to shore.

A couple minutes later I was dressed and ready to head to the bus. I went on my own to get a head start on getting ready for rehearsal. I didn't bother with makeup because I knew I would just have to start from scratch later. I put on some shorts and a tank top and waited for the group to come back.

"Brittany, Do you have eye liner?" Briar asked me and I quickly handing her mine. "Where's my hair spray?" Victoria asks shuffling through the mess on the counter. "Hair bands? Anyone have hair bands?" Jordan asks looking through her purple backpack. I finish putting my red lipstick on and fix my outfit before I help the girls find stuff. I heard the crowd as I walked through the corridor of the theatre and it got me more excited then I already was.

"Thank you Sydney!" Isaac yells and we all do one final bow and exit the stage. I find my water and drink all of it. I throw my stuff in my bag, not caring about organising it. I brush my curls out a little bit, and wait for the girls and still listening to my breathing slow down.

When everyone was finished packing and sorting out their stuff, we came out and did it all over again. We took pictures and signed posters, I even had a small chat with a fan. She was so cute, telling me how much she adored me and that she almost fainted on the way here.

I enter the tour bus and flop down onto the couch. I was exhausted. The show took all my energy I had and my feet ached like crazy. I was so sweaty but that was the last thing I cared about. My back is so red that if I took my shirt off, you could probably see handprints from the guys lifting me.

After we started to drive away and the screaming died down, I changed and crawled into my "coffin". I shut my eyes but didn't fall asleep very quickly.

The bumpy road didn't help my already sore back but I had no choice to that, I heard the faint talking of the cast in the front room and Isaac and Myles are getting their clothes to change into. I eventually did fall asleep, and I slept throughout the night in dreamland. Tomorrow I was hoping to get a word with Trevor again. I am hoping that will go...well..

Another filler chapter 😒 What is happening! I promise that interesting stuff will happen! Oh and I told you, no drama with Issactoria. When do you guys think Trittany will get together? I want to hear from you guys! I want feedback ppl. 😂

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