Chapter 5 Duets

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Brittany's  POV

"We have lots of fun on set, sometimes too much fun, I would say. There are days when we're meant to film and we are all just making bloopers and messing up and the director gets mad at us. That's when we pull it together." I explain.

"When I got onto The Next Step, I was surprised to discover how much I loved to act. It was so great to learn and to try out this new skill that I wanted to develop. I started taking classes and fell even more in love with it. I'm fortunate to be able to do two things I love in the one job" I say and smile. "Thank you Brittany." The guy named John said. "Of course, Thanks for having me." I reply and walk out.

I tighten my tan jacket while I walk to my car. I text Jordan and tell her that I am on my way to rehearsals then make my way to the building that I have came to for everyday this week.

"Hey, How was the interview?" Jordan asks. "It was great." I reply and start to stretch. "Ready to dance?" She asks. I smile and nod.

We go through the beginning dance that we've rehearsed throughout this past week and we start on duets and Trios. Trevor and I go into a separate room with Myles and Briar while the others practice solos or trios.

"Myles and Briar can have that side of the room and Brittany and I can half this side." Trevor tells us. Myles and Briar get to work right away while Trevor and I are remembering the steps to last years duet because that's the one we're going to do but we are going to add some lifts into it.

After a while of practicing I start to notice something is off with this duet.
"There is something missing here." I
tell Trevor. "What?" He asks. How do I explain this so it's not weird?

"We play Jiley, James and Riley have amazing chemistry and they love each other so much. This duet isn't showing nether of those like the ones in the past." I explain. "So you want to do a whole new duet?" He asks and I nod. "Brittany's right." Briar speaks up. "Alright fine." Trevor agrees. "Ok, then let's get started." I say happily and start choreographing a new duet.

At the end of the day, I am really sweaty and trying to slow my breathing down and the same with Trevor. "That was a good rehearsal." I say out of breath. Trevor nods. "Yea, it was. Catch ya later Britt." He says and grabs his water and leaves the room. I grab my stuff along with Briar and Myles and we all leave roughly around same time.

Tomorrow is Saturday and I am so glad I don't have rehearsals because I am meeting up with Jo to edit a few YouTube videos and to relax after a intense week.

I dig through my purse trying to find my sliver keys to my apartment. Once I found them and unlocked the door, I make my way to the kitchen setting all my things on the island.

I hate being all sweaty and feeling disgusting but that's part of dance. As soon as I can, I take a long relaxing shower and settle down on the couch with my unfinished book and some tea. I read a few chapters till I can't keep my eyes open and fall asleep on the couch accidentally.

I flutter my eyes open and realize I'm still on my couch and not in m bed. The sun shined right throw the window and is shining on me. I stretch and realize I was in a bad position and my back hurts from that. Joelle will be here in a few hours so I have some time to waste. I make myself some breakfast and start cleaning my nearly perfect apartment. It didn't need that much but I did fix the couch and pick up the kitchen.

A few hours later

"Welcome to Jo and Britt." "I'm Jo" "And I'm Britt!" "For Friday's finest we will be talking about stupid things." I watch myself say.

Joelle got here a half an hour ago and we just started to edit videos because Joelle wanted to talk and talk.

"So, How is rehearsals for the tour?" Joelle asks. "Great, except for this." I point to my fading bruise that is near the top of my head.

"Ouch, How is everyone?" "Their good." I answer. "How's Trevor?" She asks curiously. "Good, Why?" I ask. "Just good?" She smiles trying to look innocent. "Well, I can tell he wants to find out what's bothering me but I'm worried that if I tell him, he will think it's dumb." I sigh playing with my rings. "He won't think that." She says. "You should tell him." She adds. "Yea I should." I sigh and finish editing the video.

I close my laptop and get some water out of the fridge. "Do you like Trevor?" Joelle asks suddenly. Her question took me by surprise, causing me to choke on the water.

"What! No." I quickly say. "Why?" She asks. "He's hot." She adds. "First, that's my friend and coworker your talking about, Second, I only like him as a friend. F-R-I-E-N-D." I state clearly.

"Can I have him?" She teases. "No, you cannot." "He likes you. I know it." "No he doesn't, We talked to each other and both of us feel the same way toward each other. Friends only so please leave it alone."

"Ok, just keep on lying to yourself." She mumbles. "Fine, you know what? I am going to call him." I say and pull out my phone. I have no idea what I'm doing.

I dial Trevor's number and put the phone beside my ear. "Hey Britt." He says. "Hey Trevor, I was wondering if you wanted to talk." I question. "Ok when?" "Tonight?" I ask. "Oh sure. Our favorite place?" He asks. "Yep, See you at six." I say and hang up.

"Brittany Raymond, You better tell me every detail of this date." Joelle squeals. "Its not a date but I will." I laugh. "Oh its late getting late, I should go. Bye Britt." She says hugging me. "Bye Joelle." I reply walking her out.

After she leaves I call the restaurant to make reservations at six. When that was done, I took a shower, dried my wet hair and started doing my makeup. An hour past and it was getting close to 6 o'clock. I put my heals on and grab my clutch and walk out the door. The traffic wasn't that bad but it took me longer then usual to get to our favorite restaurant.

"Tordjman and Raymond?" I ask the hostess. "Yes, Follow me." She says and leads me to a table overlooking the city. Yes, This restaurant is on the very top of the building.

"Thank you." I say and sit down. I stare outside the window and wait for Trevor. While waiting I think about tonight. Will he expect me to tell him? What will I tell him? I don't think I am ready for anyone to know. I am supposed to be strong not afraid. What have I gotten myself into?

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