Lafayette: knight in shining armor

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  You were just walking home from visiting your family downtown. Youd been visiting them later that day in to talk about the war. It was around the time the sun was just setting when you had decided to return home, having work to do in the morning that's was laying on your desk currently. But now it had grown to night surprisingly a few lights were on in a few homes even though it'd grown nearly pitch black outside giving you a eerie feeling. You turned the corner that was close to your home when. You bumped in to a man wearing red... 'Why was he wearing a redcoat it's war time-' you were cut off from your thoughts when the man pulled a gun on you. "Stay quiet or a pump you full of lead you American dog." He growled lowly. You back up a bit scared but did as you were told and remained quiet. "Good. Now come along before I do shoot you." He motioned for you to get ahead of him. "I wouldn't suggest t doing that mon'ami." You heard the cock ing of a gun behind the man as a figure seems to appear behind him. Speaking in a french accent, you recognize him as none other than lafayette, America's favorite fighting frnechman. The man turned around and before he could've pulled the trigger the French man had sent a bullet straight into his throat killing that british soldier. You stepped back away from the gore scarred at what you'd just witnessed. "Are you alright?" He stepped.over the body and walked to you. You shook your head still traumatized by the incident

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