Thomas J: Red as blood (part 2)

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  You attempt to close door shut on Thomas with all of your weight but I was no use, him being twice your size was able to shove past you through the door.  He glared at you fire burning in his beautiful eyes brown eyes. "Thomas please calm down!" You begged putting a hand on his shoulder hoping it'd help."How! Your a damned red coat! I trusted you god dammit!" He shouted hitting your arm away and reached for his gun. You backed up quickly and bolted for the door, he fired lodging a single bullet into your arm causing you to cry out in immense pain as your felt the warm blood trickling down your shoulder. You begin running for the forest, Thomas behind in hot pursuit after you.

  You knew you wouldn't be able to out run him, in any circumstance if you stopped he'd kill you and if you kept going you would wear out on he'd kill you. Either way was no escape from him, unless you could manage to get to the British occupation and your brother. It was a long shot, but if you could manage to do it, you could live. 

  You kept running for a good long while until you collapsed on the ground to exhausted to run any further. You swore you'd lost Thomas somewhere in the forest, but to your surprise when you looked up, You were met face to face with the harsh reality. Thomas stood there his gun pointed to your head. "Give me one damned reason I shouldn't make the ground red as your blasted coat!" He said cocking the gun. You decide, if your going to die, better die telling him then never. "Thomas...I know this may sound on the spot, but I can just tell you. I love you." You then closed your eyes and braced for the shot to go through you. "" He lowered his gun and stepped closer a weak and teary eyed smile upon his face. "(Y/N) what do you think I was trying to tell you when I came to your door...but, now it could never being a red coat and all..." he wiped the tears from his eyes. He knelt down next to you hugging you close. "I'm giving you a chance...." you looked up at him confused. "You join us and leave them for good.

  ((I'm writing two options later))

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