King George: I'll send a army to remind you of my love!

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 You stare at the letter in your hands in pure and utter shock, King George, was starting a war with America. This was or had to be some form of blasphemy, he just couldn't possibly do this. You had left not long after George started courting you, it was creepy and there was to much stress on your part, so you had left and gone to America. So not even a month later, he sent you a letter stating what he was going to do.

To my dearest (Y/N)

  I'm disappointed that you've left me here alone and with a broken heart. If you have left me to be with another man, I will burn you at the stake. So in return, if you do not come back to me my love, I'll send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love.

Signed by your only king.

You were in shock at what you were just reading, you read over the letter over and over again scanning each word of the letter to make sure it was correct, and by the god is was. You drop the letter and feel to your knees in defeat. You didn't want a whole country to suffer nor be scoured for being with the king. You quickly walked to your room and get packed, before leaving with no words to say to your friends. Boarding the first ship to England you watch as the gazes of people watch as the ship sails off

  You burst into the castle guards attempting to stop you, but George raises his hand confusing the guards as the let you go to him. "Ah well isn't it my dear (L/N) Come running back to your lovely king?" He smirks walking to you. "You bastard! why would you dare threaten america like that!" You shout at him. "All to show you of my love.

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