Baby blues: part 2

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((You asked I return in a writing spree))

  You walk around the ball you'd been invited too. Eager to go out and socialize with some other people, besides your father and a few of the local girls you knew. It wasn't your first time at a ball but, again, you were still nervous just like anyone else would be.
You stayed close to the sides of the ball, not really sure if you should step into dance with someone. "Um hello there!" A voice sounded from next to you. You turn and spot the most adorable and yet gorgious freckled young man standing next to you. "Oh hello! Who might you be?" You ask politly with a smile.
"I'm Phillip Hamilton!" He beamed back at you.
"Alexander's son?" You lifted a brow.
"One of them yes!" He chuckled and rubbed the back of his head a bit. "I was wondering if I could have this dance with you?" He offer his hand to you.
But before you coukd say anything to him a all too familiar hand swatted his away. "Phillip, best be wise and not try anything." Your father practically growled. "I wasn't trying anything sir, just wondering if I could have a dance that's all!" He held his hand up defensively. Hercules rolled his eyes. "Cmon (y/n), we're going home.

It'd been a week since the ball, you couldn't stop thinking about phillip. You were head over hills for the freckled faced man. "So, (y/n) want to go to the park later with me?" Your father smiled at you. "Tommorow? I need to go ask Ida something soon!" You smile at him. He lifted a brow, a cautious glare on his face. "Alright, I'm going out to get some stuff for dinner. I'll be back a little after dark, don't be gone too late." He smiled and walked outside, leaving you at your house alone.

You were just returning from Ida's house, when you just so happened to bump into Phillip again. "Phillip? What are you doing all the way over this side of the country?" You smiled. "I'm on a visit with my father." He smiled at you. "I never really caught your name at the ball." He giggled a bit. "I'm (y/n) Muligan, if the last name wasn't obvious." You laughed.

You two had continued to talk and hang out for a bit, way past dark even. When you got home, a not to happy Hercules awaited you. "So, where were you nearly all night?" He walked over to you. "I'm was at Ida's house and I lost track of time.." You looked down, lying. "Oh really? Because when I went there to go get you, they said you'd left a while ago." He crossed his arms, his brows furrow ing into a scowl. "It won't happen again, I'm sorry." You sighed. "Good." He hugged you tightly. "Don't scare me like that... I can't bare to lose you too..."

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