💕 Jackal X (Y/N) 💕

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Part two!

OK part two requested again. 😂😂😂 don't be shy to request I don't mind!

i stumbled down the street. Jakel still unconscious on my arm. More then one I lost my footing and slipped falling to the floor. But every time I made shore that jekal never hit the ground. After awhile my shoulders screamed in pain. And the wound on my back sobbed. I never saw who had sent what attacks upks and I also know the only people that didn't attack. We're Lucy, Levy, Happy, Cana a the mmaster. Yet no on stopped me. I snort so much for the big fairy tail family. what a pile of crap. they say how the guild Is like one big family but yet they attack one of their own, well not any more (y/n) (y/l/n) is no longer a member of fairy tail!

"(y/n)?£" Jakels weak voice surprises me I stop and look at him. "what happened?" once he sees that we are infact no longer in the guild he gasps "what did you do?" I take a deep breath.

"i left the guild, I said that if they really thought me a traitor and that I was worse then my mother then if no one stopped me I would leave and no longer be apart of a guild that attacks their own." he just gaps at me.

"(y/n) I don't want to be the reason you lose the only family you every truly had..."

"Jekal a family wouldn't attack me for who I love! my mother wouldn't of attacked me!" he nods at me.

"i know but we both know Hwhat happens if you make an enemy of fairy tail" I nod

"we would never have a day of peace......." he nods

"go back." I was shocked.


"listen to me." he said "i love you, more than anything but, the gild. your friends were only mad, upset. they really care about you." I shake my head, he cups my left cheek and I lean into it. "once you leave. for good. you can never go back. go back"

"no" I start but he cuts me off.

"talk to them" I sigh. "for me?" I nod.

"fine but we have to get you cleaned up." he winced

"I am, fine" he insisted..

"no." I say "your not" I start to walk again. he stumbles after me.

"damn women..." he hissed. "your stubborn, maybe to stubborn" I laugh,

"well I did learn from the best" he chuckles, but I look away, I know full well who I learnt how to be stubborn. my. mother. she was way more stubborn then me. I staggered forward and continued to my house, I have medical supplies. plus I needed to fix up the burn on my back.....

once we reached my house, I lowed Jakel on to my bed. and he winced, it was only now that I noticed just how many cuts scraps and bruises that covered his body, tears welled in my eyes he did this for me. he loves me this much. he took this much damage to protect me. I cupped his face so he was looking into my eyes.

"never do this again" I say he opens his mouth to ague "uhh shhh!" I say. "i don't care how much you want to protect me but we are a team. and from now on we fight together. I love you, and I don't want you getting hurt because of me..." he nods and I walk back to the kitchen. I grab a first aid box and then walk back to my bedroom. his eyes were closed and his head was resting on a pillow. I shook his shoulder . his eyes fluttered open and smiled.

"(y/n)..." I nod and start to tend to his wounds.

"yeah it's me" I then finish tending to his wounds. And check him over the scraps wer cleaned sprayed with a spray plaster. His cast cleaned also then bandaged up. I sat up and signed. "I better take a bath..... " I sigh. "do you mind being alone for half hour?"

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