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Their favourite place to kiss you..

(Not dirty)

Female reader

Lucy: She loves to kiss your hands. When she or you were sad or upset. It would be a small thing she did to make herself and you feel safer.

Natsu: now you'll all Want me to say 'you lips' but no. Your cheeks! He adores your cheeks their so cute and smooshy (it's a thing we say in my family.. ^_^ ) he'd love to kiss then making you blush and try to push him away but then he'd kiss them more and its his favourite thing to do any day of the week

Mira: Mira would love to kiss your nose, it would make you giggle and blush for hours after... Such a cute innocent gesture gave you a warmth and strength that no one had given you before.

Elfmen: Elfmen doesn't like PDA much he is a very private person and likes to keep things with you to himself. So he likes to kiss your forehead. This shows his affection and devotion to you. His 'real man' talk is just his way of trying to constantly protect those he loves... The sweet innocent almost nakedness of this forehead kiss just shows how far deep he is with you

Erza: Again Erza is a very private person, however she loves to show you off. As she knows that no one would dare hit on you. She loves to kiss the corner of your mouth, it's cute innocent tease statement showing she loves you and lets everyone know.

Grey: now Grey he doesn't give two Sh*t's about what people think so he'll kiss you full on. Hell place his hand on the back of your neck and pull you into a quick or passionate kiss.

Juvia: well... Where the hell do I start?! She would freak out if you kissed her! So I really doubt she's kiss you much.. but when she does she'll either kiss your lips or you cheeks she really doesn't care where but she'll melt and blush and in general act like Juvia.

Laxus: much like Grey Laxus will kiss you any place any time. No matter what. Hell often kiss you as a greeting or a farewell, or when he catches another guy looking at you. He'll give you a death taking, blush worthy passionate kiss that made you whole body melt and fall under a spell.. known as love.

Kana: oh god, miss Kana. Much like Laxus and Grey are, kana is a non sh*t giver and will kiss you whenever and how ever she wants. Of course your fully willing. She loves showing you off and will always make the boys jelouse as they have not had the guts to ask out the girls they like...

Gajeel: now Gajeel isn't the one to always openly share his passion and love for you. He'll either wait till your sat on his lap, next to him or he'll sit behind you.. he loves to kiss that one patch of skin below your ear a little way past your jaw bone and there you'll find Gajeel placing small loving kisses. Or when he is in a particular mood ;) (yeah yeah I know I know! Nothing else said) he will then kiss your neck and then nibble just a little. (I lied :) )

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