Rogue X (Y/N)

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Hello! So I have a request and yes I kinda demanded requests but I seruoseri ran out of ideas. And this one was sooooooo much fun to write!

Rogue was walking slowly down the road making sure not to trip and break the precious cargo he carried with him, sting strolled slowly behind him. his hands restign behind his head he sighed.
"why did you bake her a pie?"
"she saved our asses!" Rogue snapped "and as the master of the sabretooth guild you should be setting an example" the scolding caused sting to sigh
"you still didn't need to back her a damn pie" Rogue just glared and that was enough the silence him as they crossed the winding streets of Magnolia. until finally they reached the fairy tail guild, a small blush creeped onto Rogue's face he tried to cover up the pink tinge in his complexion, but of course sting caught on a smirk plastered it self on his face and he said to him self that he would bring it up later. "go on, give (Y/N) her pie"
Rogue nodded and stepped inside the wooden door way, all heads turned confused.. you never see Rogue by himself.. he's either with sting or not there at all. noticing the change in the environment Sting unfolded his now crossed arms and marched into the hall, sharing a smile with Natus who had his arm slug over Lucy's shoulders, she rolled her eyes when Natsu pressed a harsh kiss to her cheek. Rogue found (Y/N) taking part in an arm wrestle against Laxus, which she undoubtable won. when her eyes met those of Rogue they lit up with excitement, an idea popped into stings mind he just wasn't sure at first, he needed to test it out.
"hello Rogue, what can I do for you today?" she asked and stared at the dark haired wizard. although only for a second Rogue stumbled and that was all it took for sting to have a little more assurance that his friend was in love.
"I backed you a pie" he said not looking into her eyes.
"really? for me?" her face lit up with joy as a bright smile weaved its way on to her face. "why?" again rogue fumbled with his words
"for saving our asses last week" Sting cut in "although we could have handled it perfectly.. we appreciate the help" Rogue nodded in agreement causing (Y/N) to blush.
"well any time you need the help send me a letter!" she beamed "id be more than happy to help" the pair of Dragon slayers nodded and started to leave. "wait would you like to stay a while?" (Y/N) asked desperate to keep Rogue in the guild even if for five more minuets
"na thanks for the offer though (Y/N), Rogue and I will be going to the pub. probably meet a girl or two."
"doubt it" Rogue muttered but not loud enough for the female mage to her, the hurt in her eyes was evident and that was all Sting needed the last piece for his tringle a plan. An idea formed, small then it grew. Step one, step two and step three as the plan developed and enlarged so did stings smile.
"how about you join us (Y/N)?" the shock on her face was priceless and it took all of Sting's will not to laugh. Rogue gave his friend a questioning glance and then proceded to glance at (Y/N) the hurt and shock that displayed in her eyes was enough for him
"it would make the night more enjoyable" (Y/N's) jaw dropped, not once had she been given so much attention by the pair.
"um y-yeah sure, i don't see why not. We'll have to go back to my place to drop off the pie and pick up a few things" by a few things she meant change her entire outfit there was no way she was going drinking with Rogue dressed casually she would wear the sexiest outfit she owned.. Rogue blushed at the look the mage gave him, again failing to hide the action from his friend.. 'this is going to be fun' sting thought as (Y/N) lead them down a few small ally ways and through the park.
"jeez this is a trek isn't it?" sting laughed Rogue was silent trying to figure out what the hell his friend was up to. But try as he might he couldn't find an answer. Except. No. The realization hit the shadow dragon slayer like a ton of bricks and the urge to deck Sting was overwhelming, but then her saw her (Y/N). And her smile and sweet voice soothed him.
"yeah, i wanted to live near an open space"
Why's that?" Rogue asked surprising both his friend and his crush in one go. Although (Y/N) regained her composure rather quickly.
"i grew up surrounded by trees and living in a city you don't get most of those" a simple shrug joined the deep comment leading both the dragon slayers to lock eyes for a second and that's when Rogue got an idea of what was going on in his friends mind. But he couldn't he wouldnt? Would he? The horror that enveloped Rogues mind terrified him
"where did you grow up?" Rogue asked the girl
"god knows" she laughed "i just remember, Tree's, my family and my pet"
"you have a pet?" Sting gasped "what kind of animal"
"Pua's more family than an animal" soon the trio reached a small row of house's with blue roofs and solid red stone. A few plant pots hanging unattened from the windows. Bared one house which had a slick white fence out side and many pots littering the steps leading to the green door. "would you like to come in while i ,change i wont be long" she assured
"yeah thats what Yukino says then she takes three hours."
"more like three days" Rogue added both boys recived a glare from the girl now holding a dwarf pig.
"make sure they don't brake anything Pua." and with that (Y/N) set down the pig and walked out the room. She entered her own room and locked the door, she flung off her cloths put on a nice bra and rumaged through her wardrobe to find a long black dress that ended at her knee a low cut that showed just enough cleavage, just enough to piss off rogue. It has thin straps that pulled the dress upwords and away from slipping. (Y/N) then found an old pair of hells that Lucy had lent her. Two years ago she'd never used them i guess now is the perfect time. I stepped out of the room overhearing a conversation between the two dragon slayers,
"what do you think your doing?" Rogue snapped
"i don't know what your talking about?"
"oh of course! We rarely go drinking and you never want to invite people. Especially (Y/N)"
"Why not (Y/N)?" Sting asked not so innocently
"god don't act so innocent!" rogue snapped
"look I'm doing you a favour!"
"and wh-"
"hey boys" (Y/N) said as she pulled her hair out of its braid and brushed her fingers through her long (H/C) hair colour. Rogues heart skipped a beat, she looked stunning, breath taking, exquisite. The list goes on and on and on and on..
"you look amazing (Y/N)" Rogue said a bright blush covered her face as the boy complemented her Sting grinned a large grin and let his plan unfold before him.

The three wizards exited the house and walked in the direction of the local pub, with (Y/N) in the middle of the two boys. Rogue filling with increasing Anxiety. STOP IT ROGUE he thought to himself just get through tonight and DON'T let (Y/N) know that you love her. That's sting doesn't fuck things up the thoughts enveloped Rogues mind and he hadn't noticed that the two mages has sat him down and started ordering drinks.
"tonight is going to be amazing!" (Y/N) laughed as she downed a shot of vodka

Two hours later and the three of them were utterly wasted and let to do nothing more than laugh, since the bartender would serve them nothing more than water.
"Well this is great hanging out with two great people" (Y/N) slurred and put her arms around the boys shoulders
"yeah we should hang out more" this caused (Y/N) to erupt in laughter crating a small pit of jealously in rogue's stomach.
"we're not freaking monkeys!" she said in hysterics "hanging from a tree!!" laughing she swayed as she tried to stand
"whoa whoa whoa" Sting said reaching for her hands to steady her but ended up pulling her to the ground
" (Y/N)!" Rogue exclaimed "sting What the Hell!" Rouge walked over to his love and helped her up
"don't be so series Rogue! Live a little I'm not a fragile doll" she giggled and placed her hand on his pale cheek biting her lip she shook her head and turned to sting. "if you guys could be any animal what would you be?"
"well" Rogue said sitting next to (Y/N) "i would be a horse" Sting spluttered and held back his laughter
"id be a dragon duh" Sting butted in and pointed at (Y/N) "what about you flower" the pet name placed flames in that pit of jealously that was slowly consuming Rogue.
"id be a dolphin beautiful creatures that live for their family and they seem to have a lot of fun"
"i thought you would have gone with a pig " she slapped him while laughing
"cheeky bugger" she stifled her laughter
"hey (Y/N) !" Sting said looking at the smaller mage next to him "would you want to dance?" the girls face lit up at the request but she subconsciously glanced at the Shadow dragon slayer to her left. He did nothing but grimace as he watched her take his friends hand. Sting led (Y/N) onto the dance area of the pub the low yellow lights danced of her skin. Rogue bit his lip and his hands balled into fists a he watched Sting swirl and spin (Y/N) around. And when sting met his friends eyes that is when Rogue had had enough! He was tired of letting Sting push him around today and he also knew that he was tired of hiding his feelings from (Y/N). Just as Rogue stood and approached his friends Sting turned his back and twirled the very drunk (Y/N).
"Enough" he snarled with such force that Sting had no idea it was Rogue standing behind him, Rogue pulled Sting off (Y/N) "I've had enough of this get off her Sting."
"rogue what's gotten into you!?" (Y/N) glanced fearfully at both wizards confused as to what the hell was going on
"I've had enough of lying (Y/N), i love you and Sting dancing with has pissed me off so much i can't explain" (Y/N)'s eyes glassed over and she stared blankly at the boy in front of her. She placed her hands on the side of his face and pulled him closer
"Rogue... I love you too" at this he kissed her, soft lips claiming hers in a desperate display of affection that he had been so afraid to show to her.
"about fucking time!" Sting yelled and laughed "ok imma sleep now"

i feel like this isn't very long this was a request and I'm so thankful that you did i had a great time writing this and the next one will be up when its up. but stay tuned and give me a heart so you can get notified when i do update. if you request i will send you a quick message just before i update so don't worry!
-Rosie! XXX

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