Cobra X (Y/N)

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Hey! Quick reminder!
(H/L) =Hair/Length
(H/C) =Hair/colour
(E/C) =Eye/Colour
(S/T) = Skin/Tone

Cobra stood. Arms crossed, eye brows furrowed. Younger kids scattered at the sight of his angered expression, this was it the last straw. He couldn't keep his composure any longer. Then he saw her and all thoughts of distaste went away. Her (H/L) (H/C) shifted as her small hands ran through her hair. Her (E/C) eyes shone with energy and personality. A personality that has Cobra forzen on the spot her (S/T) skin was flawless and glowed. She was perfect. (Y/N's) laugh echoed around the corridor, her friends gripped her arms and in a second she was gone. Why did he do this to himself? Why did he put himself through such intense tourture, every single day. Waiting out side of her classes just to get a glimpse of the one thing he would never have in this world. (Y/N) (Y/L/N), the beautiful princess of the school loved by all for her perfect grades, beautiful appearance and now for dating the second most popular person at school. Cobra's brother. Yeah he was in love with his brothers girlfriend and it killed him Evey day because even if they split up, she would never go for cobra. For more than one reason. His mind was cast back to a time in Chemistry when he over heard one of her conversations.

"I would never date brothers." She'd said easily "it would be awkward and I wouldn't want to get in the way of siblings, I don't want to be that girl"

He sighed pushing his back off the wall and sulking down the hall. He was the most feard guy in school. The typical bad boy, also he had a snake.. that he kept around his arm at all times. She helped calm his anger, stress relief I guess you could call it. But he didn't understand why he was labeled the bad kid of his family his brother was just as deadly as him if not more, simply for the fact people didn't know how deadly he could be. His big brother.. Cole.

"Ass" Cobra sneered and walked out of the front doors of his school. Starting the trech home, Cole could drive his parents gave him a car.

'cole dwarves it! His grade are perfect'

Cole got whatever he wanted and that includes the girl his younger brother was in love with. Cobra turned corners and walked down streets untill finally he found his home. Coles car out front and the cat on the grass. He entered his house and froze. There is was her voice. Shit. She must be here for dinner... How is he meant to make it through a meal with her fawning over his brother. This is exactly why he avoids the canteen at lunch! He walked straight upstairs and to his room. It was then a noise something that didn't quite make sense. A small almost silent voice, a girls voice. He walked towards his brothers door that was slightly a jar. There he saw his brother, with another girl in his room. He stopped himself instantly, 'dont jump to conclusions!' he snapped at himself but then Cole kissed  her and the caught in cobra's lungs..  he knew this would happen he knew he just didn't want it to be (Y/N) who got hurt. This was his opportunity. To prove that he's not the 'failed' child because his grads aren't perfect, that he's not the screw up.  But it would hurt (Y/N).. and that would hurt him. He could see it easily the pain and heart brake clear on her face.. No. He wouldn't, couldn't do it. Yet he grabbed the handle of his brothers bed room door and slammed it shut so hard there's no way Cole didn't hear or even see it. Cobra slumped back to his room ready to lock the door and never come out. His brother was a cheat, and that's all that he could think about.

"Cole?" Shit, she was on the stairs.. "dinners ready!"

"I'll be down in a second!" He yelled back.

"Ok I'll just come up to get my phone. I need to text my mum"

"NO!" The panicked scream that left his brothers lips was almost laughable, but with what he knew there was no way cobra could laugh right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2018 ⏰

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