0.6 ↠ i know.

127 3 0

Finally, work is over. It's currently 5 pm, we have about two hours to hang out with the guys before they work their night shift. Not Jordan, though. He is working right now, thank god.

"Do you know where Scott and Isaac are?" I ask Allison, as I look around Funland. I see Danny and Jackson trying to pick up some sophomore girls. Gross.

"I see them! But they're with someone else," she says, and points to a group of three boys. I see Scott, Isaac and ... Stiles. They are hanging out with Stiles? Why? I mean I'm not complaining, Stiles is mysterious.

"Is that..." I say, not being able to finish my sentence because I'm so shocked.

"Stiles Stilinski."


"Hey guys. What do you want to do before we go to work? Also, Allison, Lydia, this is Stiles. I play lacrosse with him," Isaac says, introducing Stiles. I give him a smile, as he barely looks up at me.

"Hey, I'm Allison," Allison says, shaking Stiles' hand. He just smiles at her.

"I'm Lydia." He gives me a soft smile, and I see the cut on his lip up close. It looks bad, his bottom lip is swollen.

"Do you want to go to the park and smoke?" Scott suggests. Allison nods and smiles. Scott leads the way, and Stiles looks nervous.

When we get to the woods, Stiles sits on the wood uncomfortably. We pass around a blunt and we all take hits except Stiles.

"Do you want a hit?" I ask him, holding the blunt in my hand, leaning it towards him. He just shakes his head awkwardly, not looking up at me.

"Allison, lets go somewhere... private," Scott says, laughing uncontrollably. Allison giggles, and they walk away, leaving me, Isaac, and Stiles alone.

"Are you sure you don't want some, Stiles? It helps you feel relaxed," Isaac says, almost in a pressuring tone.

"Isaac, he said he doesn't want any. Me and you can finish it," I say to Isaac, taking another hit and passing it to Isaac.

"It makes you.. relaxed?" Stiles questions, looking up at me. I let out a small giggle.

"Yeah. Have you never smoked weed before?" I ask him. It comes out more judgmental then I expected, and Stiles leans his head down again.

"N-no I haven't. I'll try some," he says, giving me a half smile. I look at him, smile, and pass him the blunt.

"You need to inhale it if you want to feel anything. I say take two hits, since it's your first time," I say to him. I watch him take a hit, and inhale. I almost congratulate him, until I hear him start coughing.

"That's normal. I coughed a lot my first time," Isaac says while laughing. Stiles gives me a innocent look, like I just stole his innocence away with one hit from the blunt.

"Want to ride the carousel?" I ask, as we finish the blunt. Isaac and Stiles nods, and we go back into Funland.


Me and Stiles ride next to each other. His cut lip is all that's on my mind. He is all that's on my mind. I want to know everything about him.

"What happened to your lip?" I ask him as we're waiting for the ride to start.

"I-i-i ran into a doorframe," he says, stuttering a bunch. I look at him, and he's looking up at the lights. "I think I feel the weed."

I snicker at him. "How does it feel?"


The ride starts, and the lights are flashing and the music is playing. Stiles has a big smile on his face.

Carousel ↠ Stydia AuWhere stories live. Discover now