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scott mcSMALLdick: hey are u all cool w stiles

allison my main bitch <3: i don't rly know him at all

me: me either rly

eye-zack lahottie: im chill w him, I had fun w him the other night

me: same but I tried talking to him the other day and he blew me off

scott mcSMALLdick: ya I txted him and I asked if he wanted to hang and he said busy

me: maybe he's just busy

allison my main bitch <3: maybe he thinks we're weird. we did make him smoke w us

j pearish: what night are u guys talking ab?

j pearish: i don't like him at all

j pearish: he's weird and a nerd

scott mcSMALLdick: jordan u don't even know him at all

eye-zack lahottie: yeah we play lacrosse w him he's chill

me: why are we even discussing this he doesn't wanna hang w us or be our friend

j pearish: y r u trying to bring someone into our group ?? we don't need to be hanging out w anyone else

me: jordan ur going to college at the end of summer

allison my main bitch <3: ya exactly. ur going ALLLLL the way to hawaii for college

scott mcSMALLdick: ya weirdo. y u going so far

j pearish: need a change of scenery

me: and we need a change of friends

allison my main bitch <3: exactly and jordan ur not the best friend tbh

j pearish: wtf allison

j pearish: WHAT DID I EVER DO TO U???

allison my main bitch <3: UR TOXIC

me: allison jordan stop it's fine

j pearish: no lydia it's not fine

j pearish: who are u even talking ab ME being toxic

j pearish: ur fucking w scotts head

allison my main bitch <3: and ur fucking w lydia's head

allison my main bitch <3: ur a man whore & u treat girls like shit

me: srsly stop guys it's fine

j pearish: fuck u allison

j pearish: you are a whore

j pearish: lydia, ur also a whore

scott mcSMALLdick: jordan just stop

scott mcSMALLdick: u can't talk to them like that

j pearish: y

j pearish: lydia has been fucking me for the past 2 summers

j pearish: allison has been fucking scott for the past year while fucking other guys too

me: jordan stop

me: jordan srsly stop

allison: fuck you jordan

scott mcSMALLdick: allison is that true

j pearish: yes it's true

j pearish: why

j pearish: did she not tell u that??

j pearish: did u think that u were special scott

me: fuck you jordan

me: we are done jordan for good

me: don't talk to me

j pearish: fuck u 2 whore

scott mcSMALLdick: allison private text me rn


Jordan just ruined our friend group. Scott is mad at Allison. I'm mad at Jordan. Allison is mad at Jordan. Scott is mad at Jordan.

I knew I should've just ended things with him when he told me he was going to college in Hawaii instead of staying close. To be honest, I never wanted to date him. I never will want to date Jordan. He is slimy and gross. He is disgusting.

I roll a blunt and sit on my roof and smoke it. I don't know why Scott wants to be friends with Stiles. I don't know why I want to be friends with Stiles. I don't know why Scott had to text in the group chat about Stiles when he knows Jordan doesn't like him.

I just wanted to have a good summer with all my friends. Why did I have to become obsessed with Stiles?

My phone starts ringing: Call from allison my main bitch <3

I answer. "Hey Allison. That was crazy huh?"

"Scott is so mad at me. What should I do?" She says, and I can hear that she's crying over the phone. I don't know what to do.

"Allison, I really don't know," I say and take a deep breathe in. "Did you explain to him that it was only one guy? You only had sex with one guy while you were on vacation at the beach."

"I know I told him that. But he said that I knew that he wanted to date," Allison says while crying. "I did know that. And I do want to date him. I love him, I love him so much."

"Come over and let's have a girls night. We can drink until our heads explode."


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