1.0 ↠ come, come one, come all.

103 5 1

The next day, me and Allison went to work the most hungover we've ever been in our entire lives.

"Last night was the most drunk I've ever been in a while," I say as we walk to work. "I'm still a little drunk."

"Yeah, me too. What am I going to do about Scott, though?" She asks me, looking at her feet and kicking the dirt that we're walking on.

"You need to talk to him, face to face," I suggest as we arrive at work. I sit in my seat and close my eyes. Thank god it's a Monday and not crowded.

"I'll talk to him when I get off work," she says. I nod, showing her that that's a good idea and I approve.

"Tell him you love him."

"I will."


I see Stiles at work. He rides the carousel alone... again. His face is no longer bruised. He still looks sad and lonely.

"Lydia, there's a party tonight. Danny is throwing one," Allison says happily. I peel my eyes away from Stiles and give her a happy look. She nods excitedly. "Scott's here. Can you cover for me as I go talk to him?"

I nod and shoo her away. She smiles and I see her run over to Scott and they walk towards the woods together.

As I'm working the ride, I notice Stiles gets on again. He's riding in alone twice in a row. I don't know why he comes alone. Does he not have any friends?

I guess I knew that because he never talked to anyone in chemistry unless we were doing a group lab. He's really nice and funny though, that's what I gathered from the night we hung out.

Allison comes back in a good mood. She's all smiley and giddy. "How did it go?" I ask her interestedly.

"Good. Once I explained everything and told him I loved him, he forgave me. He said he was going to Danny's party tonight and can't wait to hang out with me there!" She exclaims happily. I smile and tell her that this is good. I open a private text to Scott.

me: hey scott

scott mcSMALLdick: hey lyds

me: ur going to the party tn right?

scott mcSMALLdick: yes i am

me: can u invite stiles if u happen to run into him?

me: tell him i want him there and want to talk to him

scott mcSMALLdick: ya I will

scott mcSMALLdick: i want him there too.

scott mcSMALLdick: he's always alone

me: i know i want to hang out w him but he yelled at me last time we talked

scott mcSMALLdick: that's not very like him

me: ik

me: gtg work see u tmr

I hope that Stiles shows up. This could give me a chance to talk to him and maybe show him around to some cool people. He can make some friends tonight.

Author's note// how are u liking it?? Should I continue it? Please comment thought & vote if u like it

If nobody's interested, I'm going to discontinue it

Carousel ↠ Stydia AuWhere stories live. Discover now