1.7 ↠ till somebody falls in love

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I wake up in Scott's bed. No memory of anything past playing Beer Pong with Danny against Scott and Allison. I have never blacked out completely. Never.

"Hey, you're up! Dude you were a complete mess last night," Allison says, barging into Scott's room. Where did Scott and Allison sleep if I'm in Scott's bed?

"Where did you guys sleep? My head is killing me. How did I end up here?" I ask confusedly, rubbing my eyes with my hands.

"We slept in Scott's mom's room. Stiles brought you up here after you threw up," Allison says giggles and I audibly groan.

"Did anyone see me throw up?"

"Stiles. Do you not remember anything?" Allison asks me.

"Nothing last our beer pong game." I say, shrugging my shoulders.

"Lydia, that was 9:30," Allison says while audibly laughing. I groan again and throw a pillow over my face and let out a scream into the pillow.

"Shut up! Where is Stiles?" I ask her after throwing one of Scott's pillows at her.

"I don't know. He must've gone home after the party."

"Ugh! Why does he always disappear?" I ask angrily, getting out of bed and following Allison down the stairs. Why does Stiles do that? He disappears.

"I don't know, but have you told him you like him yet?" Allison asks me as we sit down next to Scott and Isaac. Someone made bacon, but I feel sick to my stomach. This is the worst hangover of my entire life.

"I may have last night, maybe that's why he disappeared. I don't remember telling him," I say, chugging a glass of water.

"You need to talk to him. You need to fill the gaps in your memory," Allison says. I nod in agreement.


me: wyd ? time to talk?

stiles stiLITski: kinda goin thru fam stuff rn

me: no stop

me: come over or i'm coming over

stiles stiLITski: i can't see u today but I'll try to stop by tmr

me: stiles pls

stiles stiLITski: i can't today lydia but tmr, I gtg

What is he even saying? I want to see him now. I'm worried about him because he said "family stuff", does that mean his dad? I don't know what to do, I think I'm the only person that knows. He worries me a lot.


I almost jumped with joy when my work shift ended. I saw Jordan walking around the boardwalk, alone. Pathetic. There is no person I hate more than Jordan.

As I was walking off the Carousel, I saw Stiles. But he wasn't alone. He wasn't with Scott or Isaac. He was with some girl. Malia Tate.

I stare at them as they walk together, both smiling. My heart drops to the bottom of my stomach. I feel the tears starting to well up in my eyes.

His eyes meet mine, and I quickly break the contact and start walking back to my house. I wanted to walk around the boardwalk for a little, but now I don't want to.

Why am I even upset? I don't own him. He is his own person, he can hang out with whoever he wants to.

But WHY Malia? Why her? Why not me?

Tears start falling down my cheek. I really do like this boy. A lot.

Carousel ↠ Stydia AuWhere stories live. Discover now