2.0 ↠ round & round like a horse

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"scott, can i come over?" i ask scott. i called scott because when i got home after being with malia all night, my dad was enraged. he hit me again and again and again. i can't sleep here tonight.

"i'm sorry, stiles. i can't do that to lydia, she's really upset and spiraling out of control. i need to be with her," he replies. is lydia upset because of me? i didn't mean to hurt her, i didn't. i had no idea how she felt.

"i-is lydia okay? is she upset because of me?" i ask scott. my stomach is sinking as i talk to scott.

"i have to go. i'm sorry. i hope you and lydia fix things so we can all be friends again," he says and hangs up. scott is right.

i don't know how lydia is going to react when she finds out me and malia had sex.


"Lydia, please. Drink something," Allison says, handing me a water bottle. "What did you take?"

"I'm nottttt sureeeeeee. It was pilllllllllls, thougggghhhhhhh," I slur, trying to make out Allison's face in the sea of blurriness I see.

"Scott, I don't know what to do. I have never seen her like this," I hear Allison whisper to Scott.

"If youuu have somethhhhing to say, say it to my faceee Allison. Don't whisperrrr to Scott," I say, and I feel my eyelids start to fall.

Allison's POV

"Lydia! Open your eyes," I say frantically, slapping her in the face. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head before she completely passed out.

"Allison, we need to call an ambulance," Scott says to me as he tried to force feed her water. She just rejects it, though.

"No, we can't. Her grandparents will be so upset with her."

"THIS ISN'T FUNNY. THIS IS SERIOUS. I'm calling 911," Scott yells, and dials 911 on his phone. I start crying, and keep trying to wake up Lydia.

"Lydia wake up!" I scream at the top of my lungs while sobbing. I decide to text Stiles.

Lydia overdosed. Scott's calling 911. You can meet us at the hospital if you want.

"I texted Stiles. Told him to meet us at the hospital," I tell Scott once he's off the phone with 911.

"I'm gonna tell Isaac to meet us there, too. Can you call her grandparents?"



Short update I know and it may be confusing w the POV switches I'm sorry but comment ur thoughts please :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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