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A/N: Hello!!!!! So I decided to start writing a Gureshin book and it's going to get pretty interesting~

For this story there will be multiple parts updated PER DAY!!!!! Yep, I said it.

The parts will be shorter than usual. Like they aren't very long, but I promise that there will be multiple parts updated to make up for the entire day.

There's kinda a lot of time skipping going on but that it only obvious because this is a stalking book.

The day will be divided into segments due too the times. Certain segments will be longer than others. To make sure you understand, Day 1 of the story could be 6 updates long. It just depends on how long it takes me to get through the day of events.

But don't worry. I'm not going to publish a part of day 1 and then make you wait FOREVER for next part of Day 1. ALL PARTS OF A DAY SHALL BE UPDATED IN THE EXACT SAME DAY.

The first part of the story it will be the day explained through Shinya's POV. There may be bonuses where it'll be in a different POV but the story will be almost always Shinya's POV or in third person POV.

Anyways, at the end of every day there will be a segment titled "Report". This means the day is over after it, and the next day will be a new day. I don't want to go into detail yet about what the report part is. You'll have to wait and see for yourself.

Besides this author's note, I won't be able to update today. I'm going to be gone practically the entire day after school. I'm sorry guys, but I can promise that I will be updating this story tomorrow. Yours to Hold will DEFINITELY be updated this weekend.

If I find time to be able to update today I will definitely update. So far, it's looking like I won't be able to update.

Sorry for the SUPER LONG author's note. I just really wanted to explain what was going on with this new story. If you have any questions or anything, then feel free to comment the question. I will reply. I try to reply to all the comments I receive.

Thank you for reading this long ass author's note. Love you guys. <3


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