Day 1: 7:15 Home Sweet... GUREN!?

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Time: 7:17pm
Location: Shinya's House

🐾Shinya's POV🐾

I arrived home, and immediately went inside. I decided that I should start my assignment tomorrow because I didn't want to do anything right now.

I walking into the kitchen, and opened the fridge. I took out the leftovers from last night's dinner, and made myself a plate. I walked over to the microwave and began to heat up my food. When my food was heated, I took it out of the microwave, and sat down and began to eat.

When I was done eating, I made my way towards the bathroom to take a shower. I undressed and put my clothes in a small hamper. I got into the shower and turned on the water.

I thought about what Kureto had said to me. His harsh words filled my head, and I began to cry. My tears mixed with the water from the shower, making my sobbing the only way to know I was crying. "Why does Kureto have to be such a jerk!? I'm a member of this family too!" I hit the shower wall in anger. "I just want to be accepted... Is that too much to ask for...?" I sunk down the wall and hugged my knees. I let the water run over me as I cried.

I did my normal shower routine, once I calmed down, and then I got out. I dried myself off and wrapped a towel around my waist. I grabbed a smaller towel, to dry my hair with, and I left the bathroom. I dried my hair as I walked towards my bedroom to get dressed. I lived here alone, so I didn't care how I walked around.

I was just about to reach my bedroom when the doorbell rang. I decided it could wait until I got dressed, and opened my bedroom door.

The doorbell rang multiple times as the person REPEATEDLY PRESSED IT OVER, AND OVER, AND OVER, AND OVER AGAIN. I walked towards the door annoyed. "I'M COMING! I'M COMING ALREADY! STOP TRYING TO BREAK MY DOORBELL!" I shouted angrily as I got closer. They stopped ringing the doorbell as I flung open the door. To my surprise, I saw Guren standing there with his finger about to press the doorbell yet again. "What do you want Guren?" I said harshly towards him.

He removed his hand from the vicinity of the doorbell. "Uhhhh..." He stared at me with a surprised face. "Kureto said you... You would... Uhhhh... Would give the... Uhhhh... M-materials from the..." He trailed off, distractedly watching water drip down from my hair and run down my chest. He gulped loudly and looked away. "M-Meeting papers. I-I need them." He demanded awkwardly.

I opened the door with a sigh. "Come on in, Guren. You can wait in the living room." I pointed in the direction of the living room.

I walked away, going towards my bedroom. The front door closed behind me, letting me know that Guren was in the house. "What kind of cruel test of will is this!?" I heard him mutter in surprise. I didn't quite understand what he meant, but I let it slide. I kept walking until I disappeared down the hall, and into the bedroom.

After awhile, I came out of the bedroom wearing black shorts. I don't typically wear a shirt around my own home, so I didn't wear one. I walked into the living room carrying multiple papers and binders. I had a pen behind my ear, and a highlighter in my hand. I sat down on the couch across from Guren, and set the paperwork on the coffee table in between.

I immediately got to work on highlighting, making notes, and explaining everything to Guren. He listened intently, getting distracted every so often, and asked questions when confused. I highlighted important things he needed to know, and made notes summarizing them with the pen. I made sure to point out the more important topics and explain them, more thoroughly than others, to Guren.

After we were done with all that, Guren looked through everything with surprise. "Wow. You're really thorough with your work, and you explained it easily. I guess I'll need copies of all this."

"You can just keep them." I replied.

"But this is the paperwork you were given during the meeting. You're supposed to hold onto them."

"It's fine. I already memorized the papers and I made notes of everything in my notebook during the meeting." Guren just stared at me.

I ran my fingers through my hair as I  got up from the couch. I walked over to Guren, and held out the papers to him. He reached out towards the papers, but, instead of grabbing the papers, he grabbed my wrist.

I looked at him in confusion, and then found myself being pulled forward. I put my knee on the couch cushion next to his leg, and my free hand hit the back of the couch beside his head. My eyes were wide in shock as my lips met his.

Just as soon as our lips met, they parted. It was a simple, short kiss. "Thank you for the paperwork." He said as he took the papers from my hand, and got up from the couch. "See ya around, Shinya." He waved at me, and disappeared from the living room.

The sound of the front door opening and closing, brought me out of my shock-induced daze. I stared towards the direction of the front door, and touched my lips with my fingers.

He... Kissed me...? 

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