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It was a warm afternoon in the beautiful place known as the Shire. Hobbit's were out and about greeting one another, completing their daily tasks and just enjoying the lives they lived. Although the Shire was a wonderful and safe place, evil had never step foot in this valley, but it was not home to one person. Her home was taken from her long ago. A young mother was down at the river with her six year old daughter named Isabelle. 

It's been six years to the day, since Fiora was taken from her home; away from the love of her life. She had been living with her cousin Bilbo Baggins since she was saved from the monsters that had taken her. Fiora still, till this day, didn't know who had rescued her and brought her to the steps of her cousins home. Months later she found out she was carrying a child.

For fear of the safety of her child, she stayed in the Shire and never sent word to Ered Luin, to inform her people she was alive. Knowing her message could fall into the wrong hands. There were many things she didn't tell Thorin about herself. Like how she was only half dwarf and half hobbit. Fiora was short for a dwarf and she had no beard but she acted like a dwarf so no one ever questioned her appearance. The Half-breed also had a dark secret, that she never told Thorin or anyone.

Fiora's daughter was playing by the creek, laughing without a care in the world. The woman sat on a flat rock watching her beautiful child having the time of her life. She thought to herself; what she would give to be back at home with Thorin. He would have been a wonderful father. The half-breed remember how he was with his sister's sons. He loved those boys, taught them everything he knew; became a father figure to them when his sisters husband was killed by orcs.

" Mama? Why are you sad?" Isabelle asked as she ran up to Fiora and grabbed her hand. The young woman smiled down at her child. 


" I'm fine sweetie. I was just thinking about something." 

" Will you play with me mama?" The little girl asked as she shook the woman's hand. Fiora smiled and got up from the rock and chased her child around for a bit. The sound of her daughter's laughter filled her with great joy and she couldn't have asked for anything more. Isabelle reminded her so much of Thorin. She had the same color hair as her father, his eyes and she had a smiliar smile he had, when he smiled. Fiora remembered when her husband used to smile all the time, especially when he would come home after a long hard day at his blacksmith job. But after he lost his grandfather, his brother and his father went missing. Thorin had become more distant and before she was taken, she had felt so many times that she was losing him.

 The clouds began to cover the sky, making the sun disappear. Fiora wiped the few tears from her face and took her daughters hand and they walked back to her cousins home. When Bilbo's house came into view, Isabelle let go of her mothers hand and raced over to the gate and ran up the stairs. She loved her uncle Bilbo. She opened the door with Fiora right behind her. " Uncle Bilbo?" Isabelle called out. There was no answer. Fiora searched the hobbit hole but found no sign of her cousin. She wondered if he had gone down to the market. The pantry was looking rather bare these last few days. Isabelle let out a yawn and Fiora picked her child up and carried her to her room. The half-breed laid the child on the bed and covered her up in her blanket and kissed the top of her head. Fiora walked back down the hall, towards the kitchen when the door quickly swung open and in came a startled Bilbo.

" Hey cousin, everything alright?" Bilbo shut the door and quickly locked it and then looked at his cousin with panic in his eyes. 

" I-I really don't know." Bilbo admitted. She narrowed her eyes.

" What do you mean, you don't know? Did something happen after I left with Isabelle down to the creek?"

" Where is that little girl of yours?" Bilbo wondered.

" She's sleeping. Bilbo what happened? You can tell me." She questioned. She hated it, when he tried to change the subject. He looked towards the door like someone was actually standing there right now. Fiora glanced over at the door and then looked back at Bilbo cocking an eyebrow. " Um, Bilbo?"

" Huh?"

 " You. Ah, going to tell me why you're acting strange?" Fiora asked.

 " I'm not acting strange." Bilbo insisted.

" You've been acting strange, since you walked through the door, five minutes ago." The woman pressed. The hobbit exhaled, knowing she wasn't going to quite. She was too stubborn for her own good.

" I had a wizard come to the house today and he approached me with the strangest request. And now he is coming back and bringing others with him and, and all I was doing was sitting on my bench, enjoying some good old Toby and then he just shows up and says the most ridiculous thing." Bilbo was muttering on. Fiora didn't know what he was talking about.

" Bilbo! What quest? Who was the wizard? Did he say who these others were?" Fiora demanded.

" Gandalf the Grey asked me to join him on an adventure. And no he never mention who these others were. But Fiora hobbit's don't go on adventures!" Bilbo freaked.

 " Gandalf?.. Gandalf the wandering Wizard?"

"Y-yes that's the one." Bilbo agreed. " But Fiora, you are not hearing me! I can't go on a quest."

" Your a Took aren't you?" The woman stated.

" I'm a Baggins of Bag-End." Bilbo corrected. She rolled her eyes.

" Bilbo, just relax. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. Now you want me to help you with dinner?"

" S-sure." The hobbit said in an unsteady voice. Fiora took the groceries from Bilbo and went into the kitchen whilst Bilbo stood there for a few minutes and then turned to head into the kitchen but not before he looked out his window, at the path the wizard had disappeared down earlier.

Come Back When You Can[Thorin Oakenshield]Where stories live. Discover now