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The sky had turned in all sorts of colors as the sun set and the moon rose in the dark sky surrounded with bright stars. Fiora was helping her cousin, prepare dinner for the three of them. She set the table, while Bilbo cooked the fish and vegetables. The little girl stumbled down the hall, half sleeping. " Mama? Mama, where are you?" Isabelle called out tiredly.

" In the kitchen, sweetie." Fiora answered while walking over to the table and placed a plate of buns in the middle of the table. Isabelle had found her way into the kitchen and the half-breed lifted her child up onto the chair. The hobbit split the vegetables evenly amongst the three of them and placed a fish on each plate. He then brought two over for Fiora and her daughter and went back over to the counter to grab his.

The young woman cut the fish up in little pieces for Isabelle to easier and she pushed the plate in front of her daughter and she began eating it. " Bilbo this looks lovely. Thank you again for letting us stay here."

" It's the least I could do Fiora, your family. Your welcome to stay here as long as you want." Bilbo delcared, smiling at the half-breed and she gave him a half hearted smile in return. Isabelle had finished her dinner before Fiora and Bilbo had even begun. She had a mess on her face like any typical dwarf child.

" Isabelle go wash you face please." Fiora asked. Her daughter did as she was told and hopped off the chair and ran down the hall to the bathroom.

" Fiora, where is the father of your child? You've never mentioned him. And I know you told me not to ask, but I'm asking. Why can't you go back home?" Bilbo dared asked. Fiora knew her cousin would bring this up again.

" Bilbo, I told you five years ago. I can't go back home for the safety of my daughter."

" Where is he?" Bilbo asked again when she ignored his first questioned.

" Who?"

" The father. Does he know, about Isabelle?" Fiora shook her head. She felt a sick feeling inside her. She wished more than anything to tell the love of her life that he had a child but that day when she was taken from Ered Luin, made her realize, whoever took her, knew who she was and didn't want the Durin line to continue.

Fiora wanted to make sure no one ever found out that she had given the rightful King to the mountain an heir. And what safer place to raise her child then the Shire. She realized she was in deep thought and hadn't answered her cousin's question. " N-no he doesn't know." The hobbit noticed she had become upset by this and decided not to pry any further. He squished the lemon juice over his fish and the two of them were about to dig into their delicious meal when both their heads snap up at the sound of the doorbell ringing.

" Bilbo? Did you invite someone over for dinner you forgot to tell me about?" Fiora questioned as she raised her eyebrows at him.

" N-no. I would have remembered and I would have told you, if I invited someone over." Bilbo assured her as he got up from the table to see who was at his door. The hobbit swung the door open. Fiora watched from the table when her cousin was shoved out of the way as the figure stomped into the hobbit hole.

Fiora couldn't see his face, but he was a dwarf. The dwarf slowly turned around. The half-breeds face filled with surprise. " Dwalin." The warrior dwarf turned in the direction of the woman.

" Fiora. Is that you?" Dwalin asked as he approached the woman. Bilbo was standing behind the dwarf, looking at his cousin bewildered. She nodded her head as the two of them approached each other and hugged. " Lass, it's a relief to see you alive. What are ya doing here?"

"It's a long story--" Fiora began.

" Mama, who's that?" Isabelle asked as she came behind Dwalin. Dwalin whirled around and looked down at the child.

" What do we have here?" Dwalin insisted. The child snuck passed the dwarf and ran over to the woman. Dwalin looked back at the half-breed." Is she yours?" Dwalin asked. Fiora nodded as her daughter hid behind her. Fiora placed an arm around her. She knew what Dwalin was thinking. She had disappeared for six years and was suddenly with a child, he didn't say anything but made himself feel at home and sat at the table and began to eat her cousin's dinner.

Bilbo watched as the dwarf devoured his fish, that he had been looking forward to eating but after witnessing the dwarf eat the entire head, he suddenly lost his taste for fish. Suddenly the doorbell rang again. Bilbo once again got up and walked over to the door and opened it to reveal another dwarf.

Fiora watched as her cousin tried to argue with whoever was on the other side. She walked over to see who it was. " Balin, what are you doing here?" She asked as she carried her daughter who was now sleeping in her arms. Balin looked at the woman and then at the sleeping child.

" Fiora, your alive." Balin stated with joy as he walked into the house and then saw his brother who was trying to get the last cookie out of the jar. Bilbo stepped over to his cousin as the two brother went over to the pantry to eat.

" You know these two?" Bilbo asked as he watched them pick through his food.

" Yes, their dear friends of mine. I can't believe their here. " She exclaimed, wondering why they were here. She left the area to go put her daughter to bed. When she came back, Bilbo was now arguing with Balin and Dwalin when the doorbell rang for the third time. Fiora went to answer it this time.

" Fili? Kili?" Fiora said before she hugged the two boys.

" Auntie Fiora! Where have you been? Uncles been searching for you since you disappeared." Kili pressed as the three of them hugged. She had missed these two so much.

" Where, is your Uncle?" Fiora wondered. She missed him terribly, since she was taken. The two boys had came into the home as they continued to talk with their aunt.

" Uncle will be here later tonight. He's going to be so happy to know your alive." Fili stated as the two brothers went over to help Dwalin. Balin saw the woman had moved into the living room and he followed her. She was sitting in a chair, starring at the fire. He came and sat in the chair across from her.

" Fiora, what happened? How did you end up here?" Balin asked. She turned away from the flames and looked at the older dwarf.

" Orcs, came and attacked me in our home. I was knocked out and I don't know where they were taking me when this blinding light came and I woke up on the steps of my cousins home, almost dying and he let me stay till I recovered." Balin looked at her funny, when she said cousin.

" Bilbo's your cousin?"

" I'm half hobbit and half dwarf. My mother was a hobbit. She died when I was only nine years old and than my father took me back to Erebor to be raised with dwarves. I found out months later that I was carrying a child." She explained as she felt a few tears slip down her face.

" Your daughter, is yours and Thorin's isn't it?" Balin, had figured it out. The child had her features but he noticed Isabelle had Thorin's eyes, and his smile and black hair.

" I wanted to go back home, so badly. I miss Thorin everyday, but I was scared for Isabelle. I couldn't risk it, if those orcs were still out there searching for me, they would discover her, so I stayed here. I don't know what to do now." Balin gave her a smile as he took her hand in his.

" Lass, everything's going to be okay. Thorin will understand what you did, was to protect your child. He never stopped loving you." Balin assured her. She could hear the dwarves singing in the kitchen and laughing. Fiora had forgotten what it was like to be surrounded by her kin. She went tense when she heard three loud knocks and her heart started to race, he was finally here.

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