Day 2 : You Used To Like Me

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Song Muse Of The Day : H - Did You Forget


Activities that needed the appearance of the entire group were cancelled or postponed with much apology. With the schedules lessen to a great but not harmful extent, fortunately or unfortunately, those without individual schedules were instead scheduled to look after Myungsoo. After spending a night with the cat like Myungsoo, their fears had decreased but not gone as another new fear emerge. 

How long would it last? 

Will he ever turn back to normal? 

Why did he ended up like this? 

What will become of Infinite? 

When should they break the news? 

The questions continues on and the fear grew.

Their minds echoed the same question but none spoke out loud. Fearing it would be as their words have transpired into a physical being; an unwanted reality. Instead they chose to occupy themselves with something much more vital. How much do they know this cat like Myungsoo?

They started with the things they knew about Myungsoo and then gradually extended into the little cat knowledge that they have. Through much pain, fear and the general abusement of the youngest, they discovered that the cat like Myungsoo retains most of his human habits and personality. He still greatly enjoys a company and is especially clingy to Sungyeol which they deduced to be due to their friendship and the fact that he used to raise a cat. Most importantly, Myungsoo can eat cat food like every other ordinary cat but rejects it after a few bite. They assumed it's because his tongue was long accustomed to human food and so has his own preference. The queer thing was that Myungsoo does not want to sleep in his own bed. He kept snuggling next to his members. Worried that he might just stroll out while they're sleeping, whose ever room he chose to sleep in, will be locked and as an added precaution, another member will sleep by the door. All in all, he's a rather docile and affectionate cat man. Perhaps, he is still the kid they knew...

"Try to get him to like you."

Today's cat sitting duty lies on the second oldest, Dongwoo. He would prefer to have one of the members accompany him but the others were much too busy to help out. They needed to continue on as they always do and keep suspicions under wraps. Dongwoo doesn't mind much and was rather grateful for his lack of individual activities. Being him, he earnestly thought it was a lucky thing. At least there's someone watching over Myungsoo. Someone who knows Myungsoo very well. Someone who will not take advantage on him. Dongwoo is that someone.

During the years when Myungsoo's scandal broke out, he was one of the supporting pillars. The others did console him in their own special ways and gave him strength but perhaps there was a sort of parental comfort that kept Myungsoo clinging on to him. The two boys had also been dormmates during their early years of which Myungsoo was often the one looking after him. He felt it was a need to be repaying Myungsoo who has always cared for him when they were sharing the same room despite being just as worn out from the day's schedule. The older boy remembered always apologizing instead of thanking him. This time he wants to properly thank him with his actions.

"Myungsoo ya~" Calling out cutely as he locked the door behind him after seeing Sungyeol, Sungjong and Woohyun out for their schedules.

There were no rushing of feet or a single sound. He peeked into the living room but there was no sight of him. "Myungie~" He continued to call out but there was still no response. Curious. "Is he asleep?" He continued to call out rather cheerfully while opening the doors to every room. As he opened the last closed door of their apartment unit, the cheerfulness in his voice was completely gone as it finally dawned upon him that his dongsaeng is no where to be found.

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