Day 7 : And It Ends...

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Song Muse Of The Day : Shin Song Woo - The First Poem

The Sun rose and surprisingly, Dongwoo was the first one to woke up. He squinted at the strip of ray that escaped between the small gaps of the curtain. He got up but before that, he made the bed. A black bed that belonged to Myungsoo. He gave the pillow a gentle tap, catching the fading whiff of the shampoo that Myungsoo always use. He shuffled out of the room, silence greeted him. It was the usual morning greeting. He headed to the fridge for a refreshing glass of cold water when he heard a room door opened.

"Morning." Sungyeol mumbled. His hair cut short and still a morning mess.

Dongwoo poured him a glass of cold water and headed to the couch. Sungyeol followed suit after draining his cup dry.

"Tonight is my turn." Sungyeol stated with his eyes on the tv.

Dongwoo just nodded, understood that he meant Myungsoo's bed.

"I miss that kid.."

Silence. Except for the morning weather man depicting the coming of Spring.

"We all missed him."

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Like back then, Dongwoo was the first to woken up. Terrified at the unfamiliar white environment that reeks of antiseptic before remembering why he was here. He placed his hand on Myungsoo's chest, feeling it rise and fall. The constant beeping of the machine told him that he is still alive. At the reassurance, Dongwoo could only sigh as he leaned back against the chair and stare at his peaceful sleeping face.

Surrounding him was his members, cuddled up together on all sides of the hospital bed. Sunggyu and Woohyun were sharing a blanket together. Sungyeol looked worn out with a constant worried frown. Sungjong was asleep but clutching Myungsoo's left sleeve fiercely as if he doesn't want to let him go. Hoya slept on the other side, gripping a piece of his clothes, his face looked much more at peace. It looked like everything was finally back to how it usually was. It was as if they had returned to the every mornings they would wake up after a night of pain and fights but..

Myungsoo stired awake. His eyelids fluttered open and proceeded to stare blankly at the ceiling. Dongwoo placed his hand on Myungsoo's forehead and the other on his own. "Seems normal." Myungsoo tried to get up but Sungjong's grip had him in place. "He was holding onto you the whole night." Dongwoo laughed as he got up to get Myungsoo a glass of water.


"You know how affectionate our maknae can be, especially to you." Searching for a clean glass to pour for him. "You pampered that kid too much."

"What happened?"

"Of course you don't remember, I mean you were seriously sick and you fainted." Dongwoo returned with a glass of water.

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