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dans pov;



'Phil did you steal my cereal again?' I sigh. As soon as I woke up and walked into the kitchen, all my cereal was gone.
I hear a silent 'Maybe' coming from the lounge and sigh. Time for toast I guess.
As soon as my toast is done and I've buttered it I walk into the lounge and allow myself to fall onto the sofa next to Phil. He is still wearing his pajamas and is balancing his glasses on the tip of his nose. His hair is all messed up and he is looking at his laptop.
'Are we doing anything today?' I ask. Phil looks up from his laptop and thinks for a second, 'I didn't really have anything planned but we could maybe film some gaming video's?' he says. 'Yeah, but we've been filming quite a lot of them recently?' I say, turning my sentence into a question. 'True' Phil says, 'but I've really been enjoying filming and uploading them, they're a lot of fun to make and everyone seems to love them. The feedback is always amazing. Besides, I want to use that office chair, it's so comfy.' I start laughing 'You're such a dork Phil. Okay, let's do it. What games were you thinking of?' I ask. 'Dunno, maybe some Sims? Maybe we could play a boardgame, I've seen lots of people asking for that. It's all over Tumblr and Twitter.' I think about that. 'But would they really enjoy watching us play a boardgame?' I laugh, 'I mean, I wouldn't want to watch two adult men play Monopoly.'
'I don't know, everyone is demanding us to do it so I guess they want to see it. What game shall we play though?'
'We could play Monopoly I guess, if that's what they would like to see?'
'Wouldn't that be too long to play though?' Phil asks. 'I mean, we could also play Trivial Persuit but think of a twist?'
A/N: lol okay so idk if that is just a dutch game but it's basically a boardgame in which you have to answer questions to win, easy as that, if u still dont know hit up ya boi google
'Wouldn't that be a bit too similar to Who wants to be a Millionaire though?' I say, 'I mean, it's answering triv questions to win.'
'Yeah but I think they'll like it, we just have to think of a challenge element to it.' Phil speaks.
We both sit for a while, thinking about what we could do to make the game challenging while drinking our tea.
All of a sudden Phil shouts, making me jump and nearly spill my tea (not in that way pals).
'JESUS FUCKING CHRIST PHIL, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! I JUST NEARLY THREW BOILING HOT LIQUID ON MY PAJAMA BOTTOMS!' I shout (lol imagine if u could actually shout in capital letters, that shit would be lit. anyways im going off topic).
Phil starts to laugh. 'Sorry, I had an idea to make the game more challenging!'
I couldn't be mad at his excitement, 'What is it Phil?' I laugh.
'Well, I thought that maybe we could get that shock machine off my shelf and each time you get a question wrong, you get a shock!' he explains, excitedly.
'I don't know Phil, that thing genuinely hurts..' I say quietly.
'We can put it on the lowest setting, that one isn't too bad, I promise. When we used it in the other video it was on one of the highest settings.'
'If it doesn't hurt too bad I think we should do it!' I say. 'I'm excited to see what they'll think' I laugh, standing up to bring my plate and mug to the kitchen. I also pick up Phil's bowl and mug and take them with me.
When I come back into the lounge I see that Phil is gone. Then I hear the shower. I tell myself to take a shower after Phil so I look fresh for the videos and then I walk into my room.
I decide that I don't need to get dressed right now since I will be taking a shower in a minute so I pick out some clothes that I will put on after I'm done.
I lay them down on my bed and then plonk myself onto my desk chair and check my social media for a while.
I scroll through Tumblr and do a quick Tweet spree.
Once I hear Phil walking to his room I take my clothes and walk into the bathroom.

~time skip since i dont think i need to write about how dan takes a shower lol~

I get dressed and blow-dry my hair.
I decide to leave my hair curly today since I know that -despite me hating my so-called 'Hobbit Hair'- many people seem to love it. (yes, that deserves two capital H's)
I walk to Phil's room and knock on his door.
'Dan, we've known eachother for literally years, you really don't need to knock anymore.' Phil laughs.
'Sorry, I'm just used to knocking before I walk in somewhere' I shrug, thinking back to the time I accidentally walked in on Phil when he had a girlfriend over a few years back. Oops.
'Anyways, shall we go film some videos now?' I ask him. He turns around from his laptop and nods his head.

hello this was chapter one, i told u it would be bad also i know that not a lot happened but dont worry, shit will get lit in a few chapters time. ive planned out this entire fic last night and im very excited. i hope u'll enjoy eventually tho also take a moment to look at something nice today.

here is the entire fic planned out, shit wilL get lit after a while i promise

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here is the entire fic planned out, shit wilL get lit after a while i promise.

take a deep breath in, out, and say 'i'm fine. i'm in control of my future. everything will be fine.' i believe in you.
~ dan howell

bye lads

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