Chapter 1 - Locker 645

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My mother turns the key into our new home. Honest to say I was not too excited, moving away was more than a change, new school, new friends. Possibly a new me? I make My way up the stairs into my new room, And open the door to a large double bed covered in blankets and cushions, a cute rustic lamp in the corner setting the soft tone in the room, with an extremely large rug that plasters over the floor. It was getting late so I decide to head in anyway, I throw on an oversized Shirt and threw my hair up into a bun, and wiped my makeup off and tossed the wipe in the bin beside my dressing table, I slip into my bed and fall asleep almost instantly, a whole day of unpacking and stressing about school tomorrow is bound to wear you out.
I'm awoken by a loud buzz next to my ear. I roll over and slam my hand on my phone causing it to fall onto the floor. I scrap under my bed trying to retrieve it. Finally finding it I turn my alarm off and begin to get ready. I walk over to my window, underneath was a cute window seat covered in cushions. I proceed to undo my curtains to be greeted with a topless boy who was undeniably attractive across the way. I'm staring. I can't stop staring, he proceeds to throw on a shirt and turns around and notices My gaze into his window, I quickly shut my curtains and turn around and sit with my hand to my heart. The day hasn't even started and I'm already embarrassing myself. After a couple minuets of breathing and trying to recover from what I have just done,I walk over to my mirror and apply my makeup, I choose a natural look, just some mascara and foundation. I take my hair down from the bun that it was in last night; my hair was naturally long and wavy, it almost reached the bottom of my back. It's one of the things I loved most about myself, and that's a thing I found hard. It was also a nice hazel color mixed with other tones of brown. I decide to brush it and pin half of it up and half of it down. I walk over to my wardrobe, peaking through the curtain to see if the boy had gone, he had so I opened the curtains again along with the window to let in some fresh air. When I reach the wardrobe I scatter through trying to find something reasonable to wear for my first day at a new school, I decide to throw on a large grey knitted jumper and I slid into some tights, the jumper came down to my knees so it wasn't inappropriate, I then grab my black docs and tighten them so tight reducing the blood circulation throughout my legs to my ankles, I grab my bag and run down the stairs. I peck mum on the cheek and grab a coffee and head out of the door.
I walk down the driveway scrolling through my phone and suddenly I bump into something hard, but not hard enough to be a wall. I look up knowing that it's clearly a human. At this point I wish it was a wall. As I look up I see it's clearly a male, black converse tightened up and black ripped jeans, wearing also a white tshirt with a leather jacket thrown on top. Suddenly realizing that it was the same boy that I found my self staring at through my window this morning. I stand there no words coming out. It's as if someone had taken all the words from my mouth and thrown them away.

"Uh-uh I am" I start to stutter
"Cat got your tongue?" The boy questioned with a smirk emerging across his face.
"Yeah- um I'm sorry" I reply shyly.
"For what? Staring at me this morning or bumping into me now?" He replies with the same smirk across his face, throwing in a wink this time.
I stood there, I felt myself going red. I was so embarrassed.
"Don't flatter yourself I wasn't staring. Apologies for bumping into you" I sarcastically reply.
"Okay calm down short stuff" he says smirking and walking away.
How dare he. I mean I know I was small but I've just met him and he's already insulting my height. It had always been a thing that people made fun of, not in a crude way. It was never something that bothered me. I ran up behind himself. "Excuse me, uh excuse me slow down" I say in a very annoyed manner. "Yes honey" he says smiling and turning round on his heal. Taking a step back i begin to say "you didn't have to be so rude" I exclaim. "Me, rude?" He replies sarcastically putting his hand to his heart. "Yes you" I say crossing my arms like a stroppy child. "You'll get over it" he says rubbing my head causing my hair to scruff up. He proceeds to turn and walk away. I exhale and carry on walking to school.
The bell rings for everyone to make their way in and go to first period, this is when the nerves kick in. I had my locker number written down somewhere, I rustle through my bag looking through the papers, finding A sticky note that I had written the number of my locker on."645" I say to myself. I make my way into the school scanning my eyes across the lockers, thinking to myself 643, 644, ah 645. Ah here it is, I turn to my locker wondering why my code wasn't working to then feel a nudge that moves me from one locker to another,
"That would be mine" a deep voice says from behind me.
I roll my eyes to see it's the same boy from this morning.
"Andy" he says placing his hand in mine to shake it with a cheesy grin.
"Alex" I say nodding and releasing grip, I throw my stuff into my locker and start walking to lesson, "so then shortstuff, what lesson have you got" I hear Andy say walking up behind me "I guess that names stuck now hasn't it" I say laughing. "But I have English. You?" I reply. "English, I would show you where to go but it would be funnier to watch you struggle, later then. " he says running off. How childish of him. I proceed to try and find English, when I bump into a girl coming out of the toilet. "Oh shit sorry, I didn't mean to uh-"I say shyly and politely. Being cut of by her saying "oh no sweetie don't worry about it. I'm Emily." she says smiling, is it bad that I expected her to throw me against a locker and shout at me? "I'm Alex, it's my first day today you wouldn't mind showing me where English is would you?" I reply with a nervous laugh added. "Yeah sure, I have English now" she replies sweetly. I think of trying to make conversation. but she beats me to it. "So how's your first day been?" She asks politely. "It's been okay, I mean I met a rude boy this morning who made fun of my height. Other than that it's been okay" I say laughing and she joins in. "Who's the boy?" She says still laughing a little."his names Andy, tall dark hair" I Reply trying to describe him best as possible. "You know him?" I ask. "oh I know Andy, all too well. He's my brother" she says chuckling. "I wouldn't get involved with him if I were you, unless you think you could change him from his rebellious and player ways because that would be a gift to the world" she says nudging me and laughing. " I'll give it my best shot, but I don't see myself wanting to involve myself with someone like him" I say smiling. "I wouldn't blame you" she says laughing.
I make my way into English with Emily, "looks like the only seat left is next to me" she whispers smiling. We make our way over to a table with six students on it. I sit down and place my bag beside me. I look up to find myself sat in front of, well you can probably assume who. The one and only Andy.

"Well it appears we have A new student joining us today. Alex Brooke. Can everyone give her a nice warm welcome" I hear the teacher say from across the room. All eyes on me now. I look up and Andys eyes shot on me. I wasn't going to let him get to me, he can make fun of me all he wants, even though he was undeniably gorgeous. But I wasn't going to let that distract me. I snap out of my day dream and start to get on with my work when I feel a kick under the table, I look up at Andy with a look of annoyance. Jokingly I kicked him back with a smile, I start to blush accidentally and look down. Suddenly he kicks me again and looks down to my pencil case, indicating for me to pass him a pen. I roll my eyes and toss him a pen from across the table. Who comes to school so unprepared. It's probably part of his rebel not caring look.
The bell goes as I make my way out of the school gates, saying goodbye to Emily, I suppose I could call her my friend. She was the only person who was nice to me today. So yes my friend Emily and I depart at the gates, I would have walked with her but I presume she was staying after school for revision. I proceed to walk and I hear a patter of running behind me. Knowing all to well who it was. "Shortstuff wait up" he shouts. I stop in my tracks and wait for him to catch up to me. "What's your deal" he questions.
"My deal?" I reply confused.
"Girls usually throw themselves at me as soon as they look at me."
"Oh your ego amuses me Andy" I reply laughing.
"So why haven't you then" he says almost confused.
"Well, I'm not like other girls." I say almost with a little anger in my voice.
"Catch you later then shortstuff" he says turning away.
"Later Andy" I reply.
It felt like we had argued even though it was far from an argument.
"Oh shortstuff" he says smiling.
"Your pen" he adds throwing it to me.
"thank you Andy" I say smiling.
I proceed to walk home and realize that there's is a small piece of paper wrapped around the pen tucked under the clip. I take it out and unroll it.
*ill have you begging for me by the end of the week* the piece of paper reads, followed by his number. I scoff and toss the paper in my bag and pushing my key into the door.
Being an only child and having one parent mum has to work a lot, sometimes even over weekends, I barely see her anymore, but when I do she always makes sure that we have the best time together, I'm used to being alone most of the time now, I just got used to it.
I make my way upstairs and Into my bedroom and toss my bag into the corner, I think a bath is needed. After a long day it's just what I need.
I step out of the bath and wrap a soft white towel round my body and hair, and start to brush my teeth, it was almost 7 now so I thought I may as well start getting ready for bed, I make my way into my room and turn on the light, grabbing my dressing gown from the back of my door, I decide to get ahead of my work, to be honest I have nothing better to do.
It's different now, I don't really have any friends, I haven't even heard from my so called bestfriend amy since I left, to be honest she never seemed phased about me leaving, it kind of hurt but I guess it was better to move on then dwell on it. I grab my books from my bag and scatter them across my bed, searching through the books for my physics book and stumbling upon the small piece of paper with Andys number on it, I put it into my phone, not because I'm interested but because I might need it one day. Still on my phone I decide to check social media, I go onto Facebook and see I have a friend request. Emily Holmes? I thought Emily was Andys sister? Maybe they have different last names. But I wouldn't want to make her feel uncomfortable asking. I accept her friend request after doing that I shut my phone off.
The note keeps racing through my mind and I can't handle it. I decide to message him.

Alex - what did you mean by this note? Oh it's Alex by the way

It's been about 30 seconds and I already have a message.

Andy - look out of your window

I roll my eyes making my way to the window and sit down on the window seat, and push the shutter up, he's doing the same.

Alex - Andy what's the point in this 😂

Andy - you're different aren't you

I'm so puzzled by what it means

Alex - different ?

Andy - yeah different

Alex - oh okay

Andy - it's not bad

I see him get up and shut his windows along with his Curtains, I do the same.

Andy - goodnight x

He put a kiss? Do I put one back. What does that mean. What if it was an accident and he didnt really want to put a kiss. Right Alex stop overthinking.

Alex - see you tomorrow x

I put my phone down and lay down on the bed, putting my books back into my bag, unproductively getting nothing done, I scramble into bed and switch on the tv to go to sleep to.
Before I knew it,It was the morning again.

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