Chapter 7 - The Fight

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"Alex!! You get your arse down these stairs this fucking instant."

I'm awoke by my mum screaming at the top of her lungs.
"what? What have I done?" I yell whilst running down the stairs. Fear fills my body. From top to bottom.

"Been slutting around with the next door neighbours boy have you?"

What the fuck is she talking about?

I look to my left and see the empty bottle of wine on the counter top.
"What are you talking about mum? And what is this. What the hell do you call this?" I say holding up the bottle of wine. "You promised mum. You fucking promised. When dad left you were such a mess and you stopped this shit and you promised you wouldn't start again"
I reply tearful.
"Don't you dare swear at me young lady. And I can do whatever the fuck I want. I don't want you talking, seeing or even breathing near that boy. He's bad news just like his parents." She exclaims at the top of her lungs.
"What have they ever done to you?" I shout defending them.
"Your fuckbuddy's dads brother tossed me aside like every other shallow man that walks this earth." She says taking a swig from the near empty wine bottle.
"And what's that got to do with me?"
I reply on the edge of tears. All her problems pile up on me. She's the main reason I was how I was. "Oh some compassion would be nice dear." She says slamming the bottle down the on the side cause it to shatter. "Compassion? You want fucking compassion?" I sarcastically laugh out. "You don't deserve compassion from me mum. Not to mention when I've done nothing wrong. Neither has Andy nor his parents. And he's not my "fuckbuddy" I've barely even spent time with the boy." I reply sternly.
"Oh please, his father already told me how delighted he was to meet you and what a lovely young lady you were." She scoffed. "Lovely, you're far from it."
I start crying harder than I thought I could. I turn around and she grasps my wrist tight. "Oh and sweetie. You're dad would be so disappointed in you." That was it I'd had enough of her bullshit. "And you know what mum. You're the reason he left you cold hearted bitch." I instantly regretted what came out of my mouth because I knew what was coming. She brought her hand up and smacked me across the face. The look of regret on her face was haunting. I look her in the eyes and instantly run upstairs. I grab a rucksack and stuff a fair amount of clothes in to last me Couple of days. I was not staying in this hellhole. I throw on a pair of jeans and a large hoodie and grab my phone and just as I go to leave I look up and out of my window. I see Andy standing there. A look of confusion and sadness on his face. I didn't want him to be involved with this. I shake my head at him with tears running down my face. I knew it was about to be a race out of the door. Me against Andy. But I needed to get out first I need to be alone. I run down the stairs as fast as I can and shoot out of the door. I hear mum call my name but I don't look back. I see Andy out of the corner of my eye as I run. My mind is running faster than my feet, I run to the park that me and Andy sat at before. As I reach I stumble to the ground. The grass is wet, I feel it against my face. Or is it just the fact I'm crying? I can still feel the sting from where mum hit me. I'm in a heap on the wet grass.

I suddenly feel two hands rubbing against each of my arms from behind me. I'm still crying loud. I try to contain it but I can't.
"Hey, hey dinks. Shhh come on" I hear Andys voice. It's so soothing. He turns me round towards him. "Hey dinks look at me." He says again pushing my chin up. He places his hand on my face and wipes the hair out of it. Rubbing his thumb over the mark over my face. "What the fuck happened?" He said in an angry tone.
I shook my head. And I think he took from my reaction that I wasn't ready to talk.
"Hey come here" he says in a comforting voice. He pulls me towards his chest. It felt so nice, I could smell his aftershave and hear his heartbeat.

It was fast. But it calmed me down, I felt his hand rubbing the back of my head and every now and again he would shh me. 
After about 5 minuets he brought my head up after I'd stopped crying.

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