14. Likewise

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I've stayed up late tonight, well by late I mean 11:30. Finishing off my English paper. I'd finally finished and I did so by dotting my full stop with great pride.
For some unknown reason i wasn't at all tired.

I quickly go into the bathroom to throw my hair up and wipe of the remained makeup that was smudge down my face from today.

Walking back into my bedroom I see that Andys bedroom light is still on.
Walking over to my bedside table I reach for my phone and decide to message Andy.

Alex - how is the English coming along?
Minuets later I got a response.
Andy - egh it's alright, I'm not really good at this stuff.
Alex - I'm sure it's great, you can read it to me if you like?
Andy - uh okay, ring me ?

I swipe on my phone to find his contract. A sudden rush of anxiousness washes over me. But I put it past me and go forward and ring Andy.

It rang about three times before he answered.

"Hello" he said in a very low voice, also a little croaky. He must be tired.
"Hello" I reply, smiling to myself.
"So uh should I read this to you then?" He asks.
"Of course Andy" I say giggling.

"Okay uh, well love and that is uh-" I cut him off before he can carry on any longer.

"Andy. Relax, it's just me" I tell him, trying my best to reassure him.
"Okay. Sorry. So uh basically I'm going to be talking about love, and Romeo and Juliet" he says. He's so nervous that it increases my smile.

"So Andy tell me what your opinion on love it then, well I'm guessing you wrote about that since it was the assignment" I say through the phone.

"Okay okay, so, love in my opinion is kinda I don't know, scary." He says. I expected something more along the lines of
Love is stupid.
Apparently not.

He proceeds to talk.

"Scary in the way that you never know what's going to happen. Or scary in the fact that someone could love you and you'd be none the wiser. Or you could love someone and be to scared to tell them"

I didn't expect this to be so, personal ?

"Maybe it's just me but when it comes to love, there's a difference between love and just being with someone because you think they're fit.
When you love someone it hits you right away.
Love changes you, and you can't help it, changes the way you act. Changes who you are. Hopefully for the best. It's terrifying."

"Wow" I reply.
"That's amazing" I add.
"Shut up no it's not" he says laughing at me.
I turn onto the side and wrap my cover around my body.
"It honestly was. Trust me"
I say smiling.
"I trust you" he almost whispers into the phone.
"It's getting late" I say to him through my yawn.
"We should get some sleep" Andy replies.
"Yeah" I say through my sigh.
"Well goodnight I guess" Andy says quietly.
"Goodnight" I reply.
It had been silent for at least a minuet.
"Are you going to hang up" he asks.

"I thought you would." I reply laughing.

"Okay lets not be these cheesy teenagers hey" he says making me laugh harder.

"Okay goodnight" I say smiling.
He returns the favour and we both hang up the phone.

I turn over and switch off my table lamp and fall asleep almost instantly.
I wake up abruptly. I look to the side and my clock says 8:45.
I have five minuets go get ready.
My alarm didn't go off.
I go to open my phone and realise I forgot to charge it last night.
I get up in a panic. I quickly whip my curtains open to see Andy sitting on his window ledge having a cigarette.

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