13 - english class

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I'm sat in English, I'd only been in here five minuets, I was tapping my pen against the table, waiting patiently for everyone to get to class.


Surprisingly Andy wasn't in class on time.
The second bell had gone and minuets later Andy stumbles through the door.
His hair was down, instead of slicked up, I liked it.
He must of been running late.

He props himself in his seat and grins at me.
I start to blush, why am I blushing?

He knows what he can do to me.

It's suddenly hits me. am I starting to fall for Andy? No I couldn't be.
I mean the way he makes me feel. It's strange, but I couldn't possibly be, I wouldn't except it. And it's not like he'd even go for anyone like me.

He noticed I blushed and apparently so did Emily.
"You have some explaining to do " she says whispering into my ear and looking over to Andy.
"Come round after school?"
I ask her. Surprisingly, I'd never invited a friend round before but this just felt so natural.

I liked it.

The teacher at the front of our English class was talking to everyone about the next assignment we had to do. "Remember everyone we have been studying Romeo and Juliet, so I would like you to write an essay on your opinion of love, and how you think it was well Interpreted in the play, this isn't a long task to complete, so I would like them to be presented tomorrow, we have a lesson fourth period I believe." She announces to everyone. 

That should be easy.
I glance over to Andy and I see him roll his eyes.
"Oh poor Andy has to express a feeling"
I say to him across the table. He replies by mimicking what I said.
I laugh back.
And he softly kicks me underneath the table.

"Alex , Andy. Can I have eyes on me please and not on each other" Mrs says for the whole entire class to see which then obviously makes everyone stare in the direction we are in. There are lots of "ooos" and "ahhhs". I brush it off but I can still feel everyone looking.
Andy started to bite the tip of his nail hiding his smile.
I couldn't help but smile back.

"Oh damn" Emily whispered again in my ear.

The bell had gone for the end of the day and I'm waiting for Emily at the usual spot I stand at when waiting for someone.

Someone meaning Andy usually. But he's staying for maths revision so I won't be seeing him on my venture home.

I see her walking towards me, and she has a massive smile on her face.
She starts to run in her small wedged heals.
"Oh Alex darling I thought you'd never invite me round" she says linking arms with me.
"I just don't do this whole friendship thing" I say smiling up at her.
She stops in her tracks.

"So Alex. Are you telling me... I am your first" she says flapping her hands around and we both burst out laughing.

"Yes Emily you could say that" I say smiling. A genuine smile.

We finally reach my house and I push the key into the door, and I'm greeted to the smell of freshly baked cookies.
"Smells lush" Emily said.
"Smells like my nans cookies" I said looking at her confused and rushing into the kitchen.
I see my nana standing at the kitchen counter, she was a plump old woman with curly grey hair.

I hadn't seen her in months.

"Nana what are you doing here"
I say in excited and confused tone.
"Come to see my little flutterby I have" she says pinching my cheek.

"Oh and who's this beautiful young lady" she says walking up to Emily and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm Emily, Alex's bestfriend" she says with a grin.

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