12 - the rules

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"You never took me to your special place" Andy says taking a bite of his apple as we walk home from school together, it's Friday and the sun is shining brighter than ever.

I suppose it would be the perfect time to take him.

"Okay, I'll show you, but there are some rules" I reply smug.

"Rules?" He asks in a confused manner.

"You have to one, earn my trust. So I will know you will never ever show anyone else ever. It's crucial. You're lucking I'm showing you."
I say with a the same expression on my face.
He had a confused look plastered across his face.
"Okay so how do I do that?" He asks.
"You'll find out" I say smiling.
"Okay... what're the other rules?"
He asks.
"Okay so rule number two. You have to drive" I say laughing. I don't know if he's aware I'm making these up as I go along. Well the trust. That's real.

"Okay, next." He says eager to hear the rest.

"You have to bring a black marker pen" I reply, this was true.

"Okay easy I always carry one in my bag. Next"  he replies.

"That's it" I say smiling.
"Really?" He adds. "Okay".

We carry on walking.

"So how do I earn your trust."
He asks.

I have to rack my brain for an idea.

"Okay, close your eyes" I say.
"Just do it Andy" I say laughing.

He does so and I walk behind him.

"Fall." I say.
"What?"  He replies almost confused.
"Fall back, if you trust me you will" 
He sighs and instantly falls back.
I catch him in my arms, stumbling as I do. I didn't expect him to do so quick.
"Jesus" I let out underneath my breath.
"You're heavier than you look" I say laughing jokingly.
"Are you calling me fat dinks?"
He says jokingly.
"No, are you calling me small every time you call me that?" I ask in the same joking tone we have been talking in.
"Maybe" he says winking.

I smile. He smiles.

We carry on walking towards our homes.
We walk up the driveway and he opens the passenger side door for me.

I stop before getting in.

"Let me drive"
I say. Not at all asking.
"No fucking way" he says lauding.
"Best be going home then, I mean I have a lot of home work, and since certain people don't trust certain others what's the po-" I'm stopped in my ranting tracks by Andys keys flying towards my face. I catch them instantly.

"Scratch my car and you'll be sorry"
He says walking towards the passenger side of the car and hopping in.
I get in the drivers seat.
"Do you even know what you're doing shortstuff?" He asks looking at me worried.
"Not at all" I say sticking the keys in the ignition..
"Fuck sake" he whispers under his breath and hitting his head back onto the head rest.
I turn the key and start the car. I press down on the accelerator and we start going forwards. I slowly drive down the drive way.

"Alright nan, do you want to step it up a bit" he shad laughing.

Luckily we lived in quite a small area so there wasn't a lot of traffic. I wasn't planning on driving far, just far enough to make andy freak out.
I press my food hard down on the accelerator and we shoot Of into the road.in panicked mode I quickly stick my foot on the break making an abrupt stop.
Both of our heads bang against the back of our chairs.

"Sorry"I say making an awkward face.

"Try again" he says laughing.
"Okay" I say smiling.
"I drive down the road at about 25 mph.
Keeping it slow.

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