Chapter 4 - Feelings

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I sheepishly go to knock at the door, I'm nervous my palms start to sweat and I feel like bailing but before I could I suddenly get knocked to the side by a group of people who barge past me rudely into Andys house, the pumping music blares out of the house into my face,I could feel my heart beating in my head. I wasn't going to back out so soon. I walk into the house and try to locate somewhere to place myself unnoticed.There were so many sweaty teenage girls and boys dancing and running around intoxicated out of their minds. I never usually associated myself with many People, I was usually the one to keep myself to myself but maybe I should try to involve myself tonight. Andy was nowhere to be seen, this was even more unsettling, he was probably off partying with girls. Which wouldn't bother me anyway, but I suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder I hear a voice say "so you came then" I see Andy and I turn around "yeah I thought I'd give it a go, regretting it immensely though" I say biting my lip. He shakes his head smiling "Can you do me a favor dinks ?" Andy questions "okay?" I reply sheepishly "relax." He says looking down at me, I look up giving him a small smile. He starts to walk away but he stops in his tracks. "You look nice dunks" he says giving me a small smile and proceeding to walk into the kitchen and grabs a can out of the fridge, tossing it my way I grab it and roll my eyes as he walks away. I think that was the first time he's complimented me nicely, not just calling me sexy or hot. I was just about settling down in my isolated corner, there were so many boys running around throwing drinks at one another and then Suddenly I am drowned in some sticky substance, some idiot had thrown the punch bowl resulting it to shower me and another girl beside me, anger filled up inside me, but I decided to brush it off and go upstairs to the bathroom to clean up. Splashing water into my face and ringing my skirt into the sink, I think it's time for me to go home. After cleaning myself up I unlock the door to see a girl pulling Andy into his bedroom, as the door thuds behind them it felt like i feel the draft in which the door made smack me in the face. For some unknown reason the thought of Andy with a girl made me cringe. I didn't like the thought and there was no reason for that. I had no idea what I was feeling. I made slight eye contact with Andy when the door shut. I run down the stairs and out of the door, frustration filled up inside me,as I walk up to my house drenched in alcohol, the smell is so overpowering, I realize my mum pulling up into the driveway. Shit. I thought to myself. She wasn't meant to be back until tomorrow. I'm so screwed. I see my mum get out of her car "and what do you think you're doing out so late." "Partying is it?" She says in an angry tone. "I'm so sorry for not telling you mum, I didn't think it would be a big deal." I reply in a sad tone. "Not a big deal! How dare you Alex, who knows what you've been up to when I've been out of town. Slutting around at party's I bet" she says almost shouting. "Inside now." She says cutting me off before I can start talking. I go inside and run up the stairs and sit on my bed with my head in my hands. I can hear my mum coming up the stairs behind me,suddenly my door swings open and my mum lets out "you're grounded for a week Alex" "okay" I reply not moving. She shuts the door behind her, at this moment in time nothing could make this situation worse. I look up to see Andy standing in his room looking out of his window. He doesn't look away straight away. He looks down for a moment and I suddenly hear a buzz from my bedside table. I reach over to my phone.

Andy - why did you leave?

Alex - my mum, I'm grounded

Andy - is that all? I hope you're okay

Alex - yes. I'm fine Andy. Leave me alone

Andy - oh okay

I sigh and go up to my curtains shutting them. I don't understand why I am so angry at Andy, I shouldn't be taking out the anger I have towards my mum on him, he hasn't done anything. I get out of my sticky clothes leaving them in a pile where I'm standing, quickly having a shower and getting into bed. I could still hear the music pummeling from the house and all of a sudden it stops.I decide to put my headphones in full blast so I could drown everything out for a while, it's only 9:30 but I still think sleeping is a good idea right Now.

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